The McGraw Thread

Is the pictured male a supposed to be a pea combed bird, or does he have some single comb in there? And, when you say split to gold, are you just referring to gold vs silver? Or the actual creme/dilute gene found in "Citron" and "Cream" colored birds?

To me it is a tad of a shame they didn't just continue following the Araucana standard, . . . Araucanas need more colors with breeders who are focused on a good goal. There's a lot of colors of Araucanas out there, yet so few breeders.

Pretty birds though.
I meant silver vs gold. Cream (Ig) and dilute (Di) are two different genes. Citron is gold + Ig and Mh
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What strikes my interest are their faces. . . Certainly not Spitzhauben or Araucana I'm seeing, wonder what else is in there?
Dr. McGraw used the birds with similar background in his Manx Rumpies. I have had them previously and produced a pair of Silver Spangled Rumpless Araucanas but my other Araucanas would keep attacking them and not let them eat so by the time I figured out what happened they passed away.

His son was selling chicks a few years ago. I gave some people and may have posted the information on here. Good luck, it is a great project for someone but I am now out of any more room for more projects.
Dr. Albert McGraw was a very nice man and had some very rare breeds. I lived within 20 miles of him and sometime around 1996 was the first time I went to his house to see his chickens. I was very surprised to see rare breeds like his Mottled Javas, & Silver Penciled Hamburgs. I bought a very nice flock of Mottled Javas from him. I was very happy with the Mottled Java flock I got from him and wish I still had that line.
I wished he would have written more on the Spitzhaubens. Allenwranch told me a lot about him when I was learning more about Spitzhaubens.

Its a pity no one really focus on the breed itself. That is a long time ago since he has been into poultry.
I would love to make a silver spangled tufted araucana. Especially with the coloring of the hen pictured.

You know that word from the movie Bambi, twitterpated? That's what I am right now.

Such a sucker for spangles and blue eggs. For something to be so beautiful AND useful...THIS is why I am a poultry fanatic.

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