The McGraw Thread

Congratulations! I'll be lurking here from now on. Best wishes for establishing a breeding program that insures this breed increases in numbers........................................ I'm really surprized they have never caught the eye of the public.

They have sure caught my eye.

I'm sure IMHO that had ppl just know about them there would be several flocks.

I wonder how one would get a blue egg layer from a white egg layer? I'm not a fan of white eggs but some of the white egg layers are eye candy for sure!
That's the easy part. The blue egg gene [O] is dominate. If a blue egg egg layer is crossed to a white egg layer, at least 50% of the offspring female offspring will lay blue eggs; 100% if the parent carrying O is homozygous [pure] for that trait. The difficult part would be getting that color pattern and type down to perfection. LOL [Not to say that getting them all homozygous for blue eggs is a walk in the park.]

P.S. Blue egg shells are blue all the way through, whites are white all the way through. Green eggs are blue egg shells with brown tint added to the outside, brown eggs are white egg shells with brown tint added.
My McGraws are now eight weeks old and many are becoming beautifully spangled. They are also quite heavy for their size I believe. Please forgive my poor photography, they do look much better in person.

Happy Independence Day!
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Are they green legged?

Some are willow (green) and some are slate. Until recently, it was difficult to tell the difference. I haven't yet counted how many I have of each.

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