The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Quote: Yes, sometime in March most likely but definitely before Easter. Hopefully much sooner than Easter.

Quote: I don't think I would eat a silkie or a tiny banty. Doesn't mean I would be against making them dog or barn cat food. I'm not too far from the Indy zoo but maybe I'll try listing male chicks on CL in the pet section first as feeders. I do have a barn cat that would be glad to eat the day old chicks but then he would not be as eager to catch the mice and wild birds.
I can't recommend a model as ours is going on 13 years...speaks to the durability tho....ours is water proof as we live by a lake. I still think that's a good feature to have. It needs to have the rheostat and with that control you don't need the vibrate option. I don't like the E collars that have a 1,2,3 etc. settings for the stimulation. Maybe the 1 setting is too much shock for your dog. I LIKE the infinite control.
I did what they recommended. I let him wear it around for a day or two to get used to it. Then one day, while he was totally relaxed, I pushed the button and gradually turned it up until he looked around like "what's that?" Then I knew that was where he could be trained. Training him to heel took about 2 minutes. He already knew, and that's important, what was expected of him from working on a leash. So I took him out with no leash and the collar on. When he started to leave my side I gradually turned up the power saying "heel" at the same time. Then praise, "Good Boy" when got back in position. Didn't take long for him to figure out that he needed to stay at my side. Occasionally a yummy dog smell would pop up and he would stop to smell. We don't do that "on heel" so I would keep walking and gradually turn it up on him....when he ran to catch up I started turning it down as he caught my side there was no stimulation again. "Good Boy." You're never the bad guy.

Thanks! I've saved this post on my computer.
Another thought about dog training. Once they know what they are supposed to do and and you have to correct them to get them to comply (e collar or verbally) do not praise them when they do what they are supposed to do ...they will become dependant on the praise and work you for it!
Quote: Me too when are you due Sally?

Another thought about dog training. Once they know what they are supposed to do and and you have to correct them to get them to comply (e collar or verbally) do not praise them when they do what they are supposed to do ...they will become dependant on the praise and work you for it!
Love the collar..when my dog starts to think about not listening I just show her the
For some reason I just noticed you are Canadian and what's more, you live completely across the continent from me. 

Technically, the black bears that are here are the exact same species that you have [COLOR=0000FF]BUT[/COLOR]...they have been raised in a totally different environment and must have had to acquire different survival skills than our bears.  While our bears eat lots of fruit as well, they aren't taught to catch as much fresh meat as yours.  They essentially have different dietary requirements, based upon how their moms brought them up.  Our bears don't fish in rivers nor attack adult deer but will take fawns and dead carcasses.

These bears here do very well; moving and living in close proximity to homes and towns where they can scavenge, steal dog/cat/bird feed and would be ok if people would not essentially 'hand-feed' them.  with most of them, if they had an encounter with a person in a chicken coop, they would be scared to death and not very likely to come back, at least not in day time.  Whole 'nother ball game.

My place is surrounded by bears, and as I said, several sows den within 3 or 4 miles of my house and I have never had a bear problem.  Sure, my dogs have treed a few over the years but they were glad to get out of that tree and be on their way...not coming back for any more of that, no time soon.  But yours did something alien to the 'culture' of our bears, if I can use that term. Unless a bear in this part of the country has been essentially desensitized or 'tamed', in a sense.....what happened to you just wouldn't happen here or at in a million shot. usual.

Black bears that aren't aggressive!?! You've been watching too many cartoons! :)

No I know they are a bit different here. Actually the island has larger black bears than the rest of the continent too. Lucky us! Although ours primarily don't actively hunt large game either.

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