The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

For those of us who don't have dirt floor hen houses:

Who uses dropping boards?
Do you like them?
How often to you clean/maintain them?
Are yours removable?
Do you like them?
If you could re-make them, is there anything you'd do differently?
LOL on the naked neck! It's probably my fault cause I've been dreaming of hatching some actual NN's for a long time :)

They have a huge area split in 2 with more roosts to be able to get away from each other.

I think I want to live there.
For those of us who don't have dirt floor hen houses:

Who uses dropping boards?
Do you like them?
How often to you clean/maintain them?
Are yours removable?
Do you like them?
If you could re-make them, is there anything you'd do differently?

A year ago, when Partner Drew was building the coop, he was sold on dropping boards. He made some that fit very nicely in the bottom of the coop. Too nicely. They were a BEAR to get out. So I decided cleaning the coop was his job, LOL.
That lasted exactly one time with Partner Drew attempting to remove and clean his awesome the-internet-told-me-this-would-work dropping boards.

We now use a deep litter style in there, and it's great.
Not now you wouldn't, pic was taken before 6 months of nasty winter resulting in every inch covered in thick dust
(I'm allergic to dust)
even tho I shop vacuumed every week or 2 in closed quarters with 2 exhaust fans working full time. As soon as the weather is warm enough I'll open the garage door and all windows and try to rid it of that crud.
If you or anyone knows of a dustless litter I'm all ears lol. Right now they're on pine litter and I've tried sand.
Not now you wouldn't, pic was taken before 6 months of nasty winter resulting in  every inch covered in thick dust :hit  (I'm allergic to dust)

 even tho I shop vacuumed every week or 2 in closed quarters with 2 exhaust fans working full time. As soon as the weather is warm enough I'll open the garage door and all windows and try to rid it of that crud.
If you or anyone knows of a dustless litter I'm all ears lol. Right now they're on pine litter and I've tried sand.

What about those wood pellets they use for horse bedding? They break down when watered and I think they're pretty dustless. But whether or not they're safe for chicken bedding I do not know.
I use the house Pine pellets in my breeding pens and on the paths that get worn to just dirt. Awesome stuff... packs well, is very long term, and not dusty at all.
Pretty sure I know the answer to this, but here it is. My hen (turkey) was broody, so I gave her 8 eggs. My other hens were pushing into her nest to lay and smashing eggs. I now have them straightened out and laying elsewhere. But the eggs were covered in yolk and muck. Also, she was sitting on BBB eggs. I had more in the incubator (for the 4th time) and they never developed. So today, I removed all 12 of the eggs and gave her some I bought. She had 6 BBB eggs left and 6 of her own eggs that she continues to lay. I tossed 3 of hers that were not developed yet, but 2 others are and one looks freshly laid. One is very dirty, one is smudgy and the new one is clean. I already have a staggered hatch in the incubator. I'm afraid to put the dirty eggs in. Should I just sacrifice them for the good of the others, or is there a way to clean them? I really need poults, but don't want to risk everything.
Pretty sure I know the answer to this, but here it is. My hen (turkey) was broody, so I gave her 8 eggs. My other hens were pushing into her nest to lay and smashing eggs. I now have them straightened out and laying elsewhere. But the eggs were covered in yolk and muck. Also, she was sitting on BBB eggs. I had more in the incubator (for the 4th time) and they never developed. So today, I removed all 12 of the eggs and gave her some I bought. She had 6 BBB eggs left and 6 of her own eggs that she continues to lay. I tossed 3 of hers that were not developed yet, but 2 others are and one looks freshly laid. One is very dirty, one is smudgy and the new one is clean. I already have a staggered hatch in the incubator. I'm afraid to put the dirty eggs in. Should I just sacrifice them for the good of the others, or is there a way to clean them? I really need poults, but don't want to risk everything.

Never mind. I tossed the dirty ones. Didn't want to risk it.

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