The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

For those of us who don't have dirt floor hen houses:

Who uses dropping boards?
Do you like them?
How often to you clean/maintain them?
Are yours removable?
Do you like them?
If you could re-make them, is there anything you'd do differently?
I had planned to use them but decided to go with sand instead. I got tired of sifting through the sand so I switched to deep litter and I love using the deep litter method. I have 21 hens now so there's a lot of poop in the hen house and deep litter is just less work for me then sand or poop boards. JMO

Has anyone on here tired this:

Little Giant Automatic Game Bird Fount Waterer

I'm thinking of getting one in the future but am uncertain about how it will work. I have tried the nipple system and cup system but am now using just a regular fill and flip waterer right now.
here is the duck coop the DH built. he is getting faster only took day and a half to get it done instead of 4


Working on the herb planters that go against coop before dinner today. It's looking good so far. After dinner I am going to work on them some more.

I was putting new color zip ties on my BR today and I picked one out of the nesting box, sat down & out popped her egg :D she was not impressed. It didn't break tho.

Happy Easter everyone !!

Working on the herb planters that go against coop before dinner today. It's looking good so far. After dinner I am going to work on them some more.

I was putting new color zip ties on my BR today and I picked one out of the nesting box, sat down & out popped her egg
she was not impressed. It didn't break tho.

Happy Easter everyone !!

Happy Easter to you too! And everyone else :D

Ok. .. Here's the pic of the pine pellets after they have been down on an outside path for 5 months. Same texture dry or wet...
I planted some regular peas along my runs for the chickens to graze on..I i had a bunch of left over seed..Regular peas just aren't worth the effort for 7 people...

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