The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Good grief I'm kinda in a pickle our broody hen(first time mom.we found her sitting after vacation so just left her after candeling eggs and seeing veins ) ended up with extra eggs under her here and there and after 2 hatched We had to remove the chicks so she would sit on the others.I had been away and had no idea how old each egg was.....Well I noticed her in the yard more and more and several cold nights past.After almost week I finally brought the eggs in(to toss out assuming they had died).She hadn't even been sitting on them at night I had put my hand on them many times and they were they were in a bucket by the door for 24hours and I heard a weak peep!The baby only peeped a few times even after putting a wet cloth around the egg and putting it under a brooder light it was almost lifeless.I've helped the little peepers out sence I was pretty sure she couldn't on her own.....she is so week.Now I have it with the eggs in the brooder with a few pans of water.wondering what to do now?!?! We have never hatched chicks no incubator...advice??
Good grief I'm kinda in a pickle our broody hen(first time mom.we found her sitting after vacation so just left her after candeling eggs and seeing veins ) ended up with extra eggs under her here and there and after 2 hatched We had to remove the chicks so she would sit on the others.I had been away and had no idea how old each egg was.....Well I noticed her in the yard more and more and several cold nights past.After almost week I finally brought the eggs in(to toss out assuming they had died).She hadn't even been sitting on them at night I had put my hand on them many times and they were they were in a bucket by the door for 24hours and I heard a weak peep!The baby only peeped a few times even after putting a wet cloth around the egg and putting it under a brooder light it was almost lifeless.I've helped the little peepers out sence I was pretty sure she couldn't on her own.....she is so week.Now I have it with the eggs in the brooder with a few pans of water.wondering what to do now?!?! We have never hatched chicks no incubator...advice??

other than trapping the broody hen in the nest with the eggs, I say cull the eggs even if they are started. Odds are if the broody is trapped in the nesst she will still peck the chicks to death if they hatch.
We have been in this situation before.. Gone just a few days.. & have a broody..If your broody is with other hens, they will constantly lay eggs under her.. Since you have been gone, I would remove all eggs, at night & replace them with fake wood eggs. Count the days you were gone. Roughly.. Then get day old chicks for her when she is at day 21-24.. When ever we put day old chicks, we do it at night only.. You will be able to tell if she will take to them with in the first few hours.. Sometimes our hens pick the worst place to hatch out babies.. So I put up a screen to keep the baby chicks in with her, if she accepts them.. They need at least 3-5 days to realize they are now a mother.. So just keep checking constantly.. If she rejects you will know that night.. She will jump up & start to peck at them.. Don't panic, just remove the chick's & have a brooder ready..
As soon a you put the chicks under her take out the eggs.. She might peck at you, take it! :barnie
She is doing her job.. She will get use to you coming & going in her nest. We still go in & take the babies from her.. I want them to be sweet chickens.. That way we can check on them if ever needed.. if we keep them..
Our precious Cheryl, a silkie, is trying to go broody again. :he it will be the 3rd time this year.. She was a gift & has no flock.. She has a big hat top, so it is hard for her to see. Once the 1st chicks hatched, we cut her top hat feathers so see could see to protect herself.. It worked.. The last set of feed store chicks were growing up with her & another hen. 2 broody moms. They both only raised them for about 3 months.. We have another hen that is still with her 2 barn yard mix..who knows..
It is always different with each hen.. Keep us posted..
Good grief I'm kinda in a pickle our broody hen(first time mom.we found her sitting after vacation so just left her after candeling eggs and seeing veins ) ended up with extra eggs under her here and there and after 2 hatched We had to remove the chicks so she would sit on the others.I had been away and had no idea how old each egg was.....Well I noticed her in the yard more and more and several cold nights past.After almost week I finally brought the eggs in(to toss out assuming they had died).She hadn't even been sitting on them at night I had put my hand on them many times and they were they were in a bucket by the door for 24hours and I heard a weak peep!The baby only peeped a few times even after putting a wet cloth around the egg and putting it under a brooder light it was almost lifeless.I've helped the little peepers out sence I was pretty sure she couldn't on her own.....she is so week.Now I have it with the eggs in the brooder with a few pans of water.wondering what to do now?!?! We have never hatched chicks no incubator...advice??

Do you know how many days she has been sitting? I meant to reply to you,, ooppss
It's been over 30days she hatched 2chicks last week then abandoned the other eggs.The other hens kept seeking in more under her before I had the idea to mark eggs....some may only be a 2 week's old.mamma hen has thrown in the booty so I'm on my own
Why is it that when you want a broody it seems that you don't get one.  And when you don't want a broody you can't stop them? 


Figures doesn't it? I might just give Lucy to a friend who wants to hatch eggs. She's proven she goes broody & is a good Momma and she doesn't peck when you check on eggs. I got the little crate set up,today with food and water & she will stay put for a few days and I will let her out and see if she makes a beeline for the nesting box. If she does back in she goes. I also tucked her in the corner of the coop so she can't intimidate the babies when they come in. Must of worked they went in the nesting box tonight with no problems. She's not impressed. I told her she should be happy since I put a "roof" on it so she doesn't get pooped on at night :D


And today's pic of the babies. Yes they are in the veggie garden & no they are not suppose to be but Stella gets them cornered in the compost pile and they fly over the fence to escape. Chasing little ones around the garden without squishing any plants or veggies is tough lol


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