The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

how can I deal with a mealy infestation in the pen naturally? I tried dousing them DE but they are unaffected. started when chicken got broody and begun sitting in the pen all the time. the mealys can be seen on the door frame when I open the pen. they fall on top of the chickens and the chickens eat them. bloody disguisting though.
how can I deal with a mealy infestation in the pen naturally? I tried dousing them DE but they are unaffected. started when chicken got broody and begun sitting in the pen all the time. the mealys can be seen on the door frame when I open the pen. they fall on top of the chickens and the chickens eat them. bloody disguisting though.
I'd try a spray bottle filled with warm water and a good hefty squirt (1-2 tbs) of liquid dish soap mixed well. Then spray around your coop and corners. If it keeps them off plants, it should keep them out of the coop I'd think.
Figures doesn't it? I might just give Lucy to a friend who wants to hatch eggs. She's proven she goes broody & is a good Momma and she doesn't peck when you check on eggs. I got the little crate set up,today with food and water & she will stay put for a few days and I will let her out and see if she makes a beeline for the nesting box. If she does back in she goes. I also tucked her in the corner of the coop so she can't intimidate the babies when they come in. Must of worked they went in the nesting box tonight with no problems. She's not impressed. I told her she should be happy since I put a "roof" on it so she doesn't get pooped on at night

And today's pic of the babies. Yes they are in the veggie garden & no they are not suppose to be but Stella gets them cornered in the compost pile and they fly over the fence to escape. Chasing little ones around the garden without squishing any plants or veggies is tough lol

I've got the Broody from Hell right now. Not quite sure how to handle her, but I started a thread about my Penelope the Terrible (PtT) and someone had a suggestion about caging her with food and water and trying to break her of it. I see you've got your Lucy in the cage and I'm thinking that's the best route for me. I'm going to have to get some welding mitts to remove her from the nesting box though.

P.S. I'm pretty sure I've said this before (either here or on another thread) but I looooooooove your black chicks. For the sake of me not digging through old posts---what breed are they? I'm planning my additions to the flock for spring. Those little ones you have are so cute like little crows almost.
Good luck! I'm attempting to learn how to crochet. Not going so well.

Oh ya? Is someone teaching you, or are you a self-study?
Fast ..................................... knitting???????
I know. But this should have been done by now, and I'm just starting. It's just a simple hat, so it shouldn't take long. I'd love to have it done today, but I'll need prayer to make that happen. It's for a good cause, and I'm pretty sure God approves.
Good luck! I'm attempting to learn how to crochet. Not going so well.

If your having trouble learning off you tube and need a person to show you, you might think about your local assisted living or nursing home. There are usually one or two ladies there who could teach you and would love the opportunity to pass along the skill. Or if that it a little intimidating you could check and see if there are any crochet groups that meet in your area, there usually are.
AFL, they look so sweet!
Thank you. They are slowly realizing I am the food lady. They actually came a little when I called them today.

I've got the Broody from Hell right now. Not quite sure how to handle her, but I started a thread about my Penelope the Terrible (PtT) and someone had a suggestion about caging her with food and water and trying to break her of it. I see you've got your Lucy in the cage and I'm thinking that's the best route for me. I'm going to have to get some welding mitts to remove her from the nesting box though.

P.S. I'm pretty sure I've said this before (either here or on another thread) but I looooooooove your black chicks. For the sake of me not digging through old posts---what breed are they? I'm planning my additions to the flock for spring. Those little ones you have are so cute like little crows almost.
The grayish black on is an EE. The other 4 are BCM's. 2 area mix of BCM/EE & they are getting muffs and beards since the Roo was an EE. I cant wait to see how they grow out.
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So I was mowing the lawn last night & saw something dead on my property line. Turns out it was a baby coon. Headed in the direction of the coop. Thank goodness I got the babies to start going back in the nesting box. They kept roosting outside on the herb boxes I made. The fence can protect them from the predators but the entrance cover is not covered by the electric netting.

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