The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

This thread is listed under 'hot'

What does that mean? They going to look into shutting this one down?
No, it means that it's getting a lot of people looking/reading/posting, etc. I wouldn't do this emotion
if it was going to be shut down. That would be terrible!

I haven't seen anything on here that would require it to be shut down.

Make sure to follow BYC rules though. Don't want to have yet another thread shut down.
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Hello everyone....I had been reading the road less traveled thread and just got to the end and the thread was closed. I was sorry to hear that, I learned so much but I'm very glad to see everyone here...
Have only had chickens a very short time and have much to learn....enjoying this thread also:)
Hello everyone....I had been reading the road less traveled thread and just got to the end and the thread was closed. I was sorry to hear that, I learned so much but I'm very glad to see everyone here...
Have only had chickens a very short time and have much to learn....enjoying this thread also:)
Hi there and welcome
Tractors make me depressed. Thinking of those poor chickens trapped inside. I understand why people use them, and it is better than having then squished inside a building with no light and sun, and they are only chickens after all, but, it still makes me a bit sad..guess I am a softie.Just my personal girl feelings.
I like this idea as well. Like you, I have been faithfully following the HLF thread and soaking up every bit of wisdom I can there from the breeders.

Have you decided on the breeds you are going to go with yet? The Mr. and I said we really like the BAs and the BOs when we got our hatchery stock, and I do still want them, but boy-howdy those NHs they have been showing, along with Kathy's Delawares are truly sights to behold.

I am not ready for heritage birds YET - I want to learn everything I can on my hatchery stock first so when I go to heritage it isn't a hit/miss thing - I'll already have my husbandry down pretty well so the investment won't be so much at risk.

You and I are actually close enough that I would consider getting some of the stock you finally decide on so that we have birds from the same strains to work with, and we aren't SO close that it could be a problem (we are probably about 200 miles apart - not the 500 recommended, but something to work with). Just depends on the birds, I want good dual purpose birds of old heritage quality. I'm open if you like the idea.
Something to think about for the future.

I like red chickens, so I keep coming back to Buckeyes (my wife is from Ohio, too) and New Hampshires. The Buckeye roosters really catch my eye, but the hens are not the "eye candy" type of pretty that I would like to have walking around the yard. The New Hampshire hens are that sort of lovely, but the roosters are kind of ho-hum. I think the New Hampshires are going to win, because I will always have more hens than roosters.
Hello everyone....I had been reading the road less traveled thread and just got to the end and the thread was closed. I was sorry to hear that, I learned so much but I'm very glad to see everyone here...
Have only had chickens a very short time and have much to learn....enjoying this thread also:)
Hello right back at ya..
Tractors make me depressed. Thinking of those poor chickens trapped inside. I understand why people use them, and it is better than having then squished inside a building with no light and sun, and they are only chickens after all, but, it still makes me a bit sad..guess I am a softie.Just my personal girl feelings.

Some folks are faced with tractor or total confinement. In that case, the tractor sure is a better alternative.
This is by that same guy that had all those sick chickens who Bee posted about a few weeks ago.

We watched one of his videos on how to make a chicken plucker, but it was way too complicated. The rest I see are washing machines. lol.
I must have missed that on Bee's thread. I just couldn't keep up on them. With all of the random chat.... couldn't keep up.

His plucker was not good
. Very true. It was at least a year ago I watched them. But I did base my bator on his and it worked. Someday I'll build or buy a wiz bang plucker

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