The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

An air leak in her respiratory system. Can happen to humans too (I've seen it in humans), that severe of a leak doubt there is anything you can do, you could try piercing the skin and letting the air out, if it were a more mild leak that would give the body time to heal the leak, but w/ a bad leak there likely isn't enough time. As to why she has the leak, that I don't know. The humans I've seen it in got a tear in the trachea and were on mechanical vents that kept pumping the air in, or got their tracheostomy dislodged and same thing vent kept pushing the air in. Most likely in her she had an unseen issue w/ her lungs (pneumonia, infection, bruise) that formed a bleb that ruptured would be just a guess on my part though (roughly the equivelant of a collapsed lung in a human)

If you do the necropsy, keep the lungs and trachea as intact as possible, my guess is one of those two will have an injury or hole.
Here is a thread about another bird very similar.
I've had a few chicks that had small air bubbles, but never like Mumsy's bird.
An air leak in her respiratory system. Can happen to humans too (I've seen it in humans), that severe of a leak doubt there is anything you can do, you could try piercing the skin and letting the air out, if it were a more mild leak that would give the body time to heal the leak, but w/ a bad leak there likely isn't enough time. As to why she has the leak, that I don't know. The humans I've seen it in got a tear in the trachea and were on mechanical vents that kept pumping the air in, or got their tracheostomy dislodged and same thing vent kept pushing the air in. Most likely in her she had an unseen issue w/ her lungs (pneumonia, infection, bruise) that formed a bleb that ruptured would be just a guess on my part though (roughly the equivelant of a collapsed lung in a human)

If you do the necropsy, keep the lungs and trachea as intact as possible, my guess is one of those two will have an injury or hole.
I have charged my camera battery, set up a clean necropsy station, and checked on the bird constantly. It is still alive. Has swollen up even more! I can not believe my eyes that this bird's skin could stretch even more! It passed poo two or three times of normal consistency and color. It's closing it's eyes more and stretches it's neck and opens it's beak to try and breath. I'm going to end it's suffering this moment. It will be some time before I check in here until it's over. I just can not imagine what is wrong with it. The theory of an injury to trachea or leak is the most logical. Thank you Kassaundra for something to look for. I will do my best to take pictures and thoroughly examine this poor creature.
Dang, I hate when the OP doesn't follow up...I feel like I'm reading a book with the last two pages ripped out.
Me too! I even searched through all posts from the OP looking for answers.. I may just PM them...

Done.. I have to know... I asked them to come join us over here to discuss anything they uncovered.
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That is about right for the protein in meal worms dried live is about 20%. I can't find my insect protein chart but it is listed in the meal worm farming thread on BYC. Corn is only 9% protein though

Are we talking about two different things. I am skimming heavily.
Can any one help me on the gender of this 11 week old heritage RIR? It's comb it pink, but not red.

Male. I have never had a pullet at 11 weeks have that large of wattles.

Here is Lydia at 10 weeks old. It does not matter that she is not a HRIR. She will have the same size comb (give or take a tiny bit) when sexually mature.

Here she is now @ 19 weeks. I think she is going to be one great layer. She has an awesome figure.

I will continue to hatch these BR x RSL crosses to produce my own layers. I just love the white ghost barring.
It's been brought to my attention recently that Kentucky has some representatives that are freaking out about avian flu and state flocks. Apparently, some are trying to write/pass a bill that will make it illegal to own and raise chickens or any other poultry in a populated area - i.e., a city backyard, or even one in a large town. Still further disturbing are the mutterings coming from other places around the U.S. where some places have put in "no poultry anytime" ordinances, causing many to scramble to re-home their flocks.

I don't know about any of you, but I'm starting to get rather worried about the future of keeping any livestock anywhere unless you are "employed" by a major food producer as an accepted farmer. It seems like food diversity is going out the window, along with our rights as citizens to grow and raise our own food. I don't know if any of this has to do with the Monsanto Protection Act or not, but there's been a lot of changes in a lot of places regarding livestock and poultry ordinances very recently. I'd even read a post from a friend on Facebook yesterday who shared a very sad status update of a friend being fined roughly $8000 for not getting rid of their flock when an ordinance banning poultry was passed, and state officials came in and euthanized what remained of the flock that they couldn't re-home. These were pets to the family's children. It broke my heart.

Are any of you other folks seeing resistance to keeping your own flocks or any other livestock in your area coming up? Many of the farmers in my area hang out at the local McDonald's early in the morning, and I generally get updated on all the discussions going on via a mutual friend. He's rather worried about this as well, as his chickens provide supplemental income for his family.

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