The Never-ending Raccoon thread. (BOBCAT CONFIRMED PAGE 15)




never saw him!
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Darn coon. He must be a "relocated" coon, you know how someone who had a "heart" couldn't bare to do away with their problem.

Raccoons get very "wise" to live traps. If it is at all possible, lock up your pets (i.e cats, dogs, chickens, etc.) and do what deerman said with the foot hold setup. If you can, get ahold of someone who has "coon cuffs" and set those- they will lessen your chances of an incidental catch. You may be able to get him in the live trap... eventually. But in my personal experience, you'll have more luck with a foothold.

Good luck- and let us know when you catch the lil bast.... I mean the lil guy
dubya tee aitch.

i finally caught a raccoon in the trap last night. or early this morning rather. thats the good news.

he bad news is...
theres STILL a whole family of raccoons on the loose. and caught on tape.
Were did you pick up that trap? I am trying to catch a couple around me. I was going to sit up and kill em with the pellet gun while at the squirrel feeder. But would rather set a trap and drive it 20 minutes to the woods.

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