The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

Auction #1
12 Cream Legbar Hatching Eggs
Starting Bid $20 plus $15 shipping
Auction ends Monday at 9:00pm EST
I have 2 pens with 1 roo and 6 hens.
Greenfire Farms Lines A,B,C

Auction #2
12 Olive Egger Hatching Eggs
Starting Bid $10 plus $15 shipping
Auction ends Monday at 9:00pm EST
I have a jubilee orp roo over 3 AM hens

Auction #3
12 Crele Project Hatching Eggs
Starting Bid $15 plus $15 shipping
Auction ends Monday at 9:00pm EST
I have 1 crele orp roo over 4 rhodebar hens

Auction #4
12 Autosexing Olive Egger Hatching
Starting Bid $20 plus $15 shipping
Auction ends Monday 9:00pm EST
I have 1 rhodebar roo over 4 olive egger hens
These were from Greenfire Farms early line of Rhodebars that layed the olive eggs.
I am getting olive and brown eggs.

Auction #5
6 Lavender Split Maran Project Hatching Eggs
Starting Bid $15 plus $15 shipping
Auction ends Monday 9:00pm EST
I have 1 lavender roo over 2 black split to lavender hens.
Egg color needs work.

Thanks KYT for the great hona auction. Shipped Saturday and I had them by 7:30 am this morning. Wonderful packing and the post office was kind!!! Very excited! Tell the girls thanks!
My turkey eggs from chickadoodle are here! Well, at the PO. I am at work.
Will p/u over lunch!!! Thanks chickadoodle!!!

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