The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

Up for auction--

10+ bourbon red Turkey Hatching eggs

Auction ends at 9:30am Apr 19th payment due immediatley via paypal and will Ship on Saturday

Shipping is $20 as I pack very well and double box and bubble wrap each one. ANd I drive the eggs myself to the post office.

Starting bid is $25

bid 25$
[COLOR=800080]6+ Double Laced Barnevelder Eggs[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]Starts now and ends at 9pm PST on Saturday April 19th.[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]Shipping is $16[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]Bid starts at $10[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]One of my favorite breeds to look at. Their feathering pattern is breathtaking and their calm demeanor is a nice addition. These birds lay a large, medium-shade brown egg. Some lay darker than others. I have 2 lines laying at this time. They're well kept and free part of the day. I pack my eggs to ship using the skyline method. I burrito wrap each egg, open ended and place in a box large end up. I then double box. Please understand that once the eggs leave my hands, the treatment they receive is out of my control. I pack as well as I can and send fertile eggs that are no more than 4 days old on the day of shipment. I currently have many breeds I am working with and don't always have room for all of them in the incubator. As well as filling orders. If not sold these will make a lovely omelet :) Thanks for looking and also for more information or pictures my website is[/COLOR]
I'll bid 10 on these. :)
Up for auction--

10 bourbon red Turkey Hatching eggs

Auction ends at 5pm Sunday Apr 20th payment due immediatley via paypal and will Ship on Monday if PO is open ( state holiday here so po maybe be closed.)

Shipping is $20 as I pack very well and double box and bubble wrap each one. ANd I drive the eggs myself to the post office.

Starting bid is $25

I apologize that I may not be home at the end of the auction as I we are likely to be at MIL's for Easter dinner. BUt I'll settle any disputes when I get back.

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