The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Silly/serious, whatever - we're here, Blooie. Parts of 'grandparenting' are tougher than parenting because there are boundaries we have to respect, and then there are times we need to speak up. Been there, done that. Youngest grand child turns 14 today.

Happy 14th b-day to your grandchild sour!
Happy 14th b-day to your grandchild sour!

This is a good kid who was missing that little chip that says, "If you do that there are consequences/". He's starting to get his act together, but along the way he's given us some great stories.
This is a good kid who was missing that little chip that says, "If you do that there are consequences/". He's starting to get his act together, but along the way he's given us some great stories.

He already sounds further ahead than some "adults" I've known.

I like the way you look at his misadventures..."some great stories", lol.
In my kids the chip wasn't missing - but the memory card was. Happy birthday, sour's grandson!!

Thanks for the support. After all of that we spent a long night in the ER with Kendra so I'm pooped. We came perilously close to making a high speed run to Denver last night so she could be seen in the clinic there first thing this morning. Worse thing abut these MACE and Mitrofanoff procedures is that no one outside of the specialists knows what to do when they go wrong. All we have to rely are small town doctors who are, understandably, totally clueless because none of them have ever seen them before. I had to pull out my phone and find it and show them and that only helped with the charting, not the fixing.

Alls well that ends well. No trip to Denver, Kendra is going to be fine for the next couple of weeks, some medical professionals increased their training, and Jenny's speaking to me again. She has to call Denver this morning and reschedule her December 22 appointments for earlier, if she can. Just as well - them traveling to Denver that late in December scares the pee-wadding out of me. Weather should pretty much hold off yet for the next couple of weeks.

Thanks for coming by for a hug, Scott. What a nice thing to read!! And you guys are so right....this geneticist rocks! Still no plan, but the "secret" that Katie has weight issues and her family is much of the reason is finally out in the open, addressed head on by a doctor they know and trust. Will this be the catalyst for change? We'll see. Hope springs eternal.
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Good morning and happy Saturday!

Blooie, did Kendra's appointments work out so they could go to Denver earlier?

DH is already hard at work on the kitchen. So far he's put in 5 new cabinets, a microwave and ceiling light. Today he's doing another cabinet and replacing the kitchen sink. I'm hard at work staying out of his way.

What's everyone up to today?
Good morning, and a happy Saturday to you too, Debby!

Sounds like DH is getting stuck into the kitchen - sounds like a good day to go out for dinner. All quiet in this neck of the woods, but thats ok by me.
Good morning, all. Party was fine - everyone was up - that's a good thing. Pugs are here
while daughter and SIL torture their bodies running the NY marathon.
Good morning, all. Party was fine - everyone was up - that's a good thing. Pugs are here
while daughter and SIL torture their bodies running the NY marathon.

Bet it feels more like a marathon, pug-sitting than running 26 miles!

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