The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning and happy Saturday!

Blooie, did Kendra's appointments work out so they could go to Denver earlier?

DH is already hard at work on the kitchen. So far he's put in 5 new cabinets, a microwave and ceiling light. Today he's doing another cabinet and replacing the kitchen sink. I'm hard at work staying out of his way.

What's everyone up to today?
Jen said they didn't call her back yesterday. That's not like Central Appointments at Children's Hospital in Denver so we're thinking they are still trying to do some juggling. We already know that Kendra won't be able to see her neurologist if they move the appointments up - they squeezed her in for the December appointment the way it was. So no matter what happens they'll still have to make another trip down to see Dr. Palat because she's private practice, not actually located at Children's, and she's always booked solid. But right now the critical thing is to get her in to get this MACE corrected.

Man, I wish your DH would find his way up here. I've still got half a kitchen. Only been 5 years now. Ken started taking out the pasteboard-and-paneling mobile home cabinets and replacing them and literally got half the kitchen done and then stopped. Just stopped. Looks like he11 but it functions so he figures it's all good. <sigh>

I thought about telling them to keep the pugs and that I would run the marathon.
Go for it!! The lesser of two evils??
Jen said they didn't call her back yesterday. That's not like Central Appointments at Children's Hospital in Denver so we're thinking they are still trying to do some juggling. We already know that Kendra won't be able to see her neurologist if they move the appointments up - they squeezed her in for the December appointment the way it was. So no matter what happens they'll still have to make another trip down to see Dr. Palat because she's private practice, not actually located at Children's, and she's always booked solid. But right now the critical thing is to get her in to get this MACE corrected.

Man, I wish your DH would find his way up here. I've still got half a kitchen. Only been 5 years now. Ken started taking out the pasteboard-and-paneling mobile home cabinets and replacing them and literally got half the kitchen done and then stopped. Just stopped. Looks like he11 but it functions so he figures it's all good. <sigh>

Go for it!! The lesser of two evils??

Blooie, sure hope they can get her in there as soon as possible to get her MACE fixed. Have you figured out a way to make a cover for it?

DH likes doing this sort of project so he's making good time. Plus, it's the kitchen and he uses it as much as I do. Believe me, we have quite a few 1/2 done projects that aren't wrapped up too. Partly he's moving along on this one because I told him I couldn't make bread for him with it in shambles and no place to work...seems to be just the right motivator, lol.
​Blooie, sure hope they can get her in there as soon as possible to get her MACE fixed. Have you figured out a way to make a cover for it?

DH likes doing this sort of project so he's making good time. Plus, it's the kitchen and he uses it as much as I do. Believe me, we have quite a few 1/2 done projects that aren't wrapped up too. Partly he's moving along on this one because I told him I couldn't make bread for him with it in shambles and no place to work...seems to be just the right motivator, lol.
That sounds like a great motivator!
Trying to behave, My parents moved into the next town over, and it's been a bit chaotic with all their stuff. My mom has a hard time getting rid of anything!

It's also been hard since we get along better when there are multiple states between us.

But besides that, I've almost got my new work partner trained so that takes a bit of pressure off. I think she's going to be great.
My parents moved into a house across the road from my oldest sister and her family. 4 boys visiting daily drove my Dad nuts. They moved to Fla. within a year.
Our closest child lives about an hour away. That's a good distance. The other lives 3 + hours away - that's too far.
For a while our daughter and family lived in Georgia, then Maryland and finally to NJ when son in laws father developed health issues. That's a lot missed as grandkids are growing.
There's not much I haven't done to "motivate" Ken....he's the baker in our family so as long as he's happy, I guess I should be too. Um, no. Guess it wouldn't be so bad if the old cabinets weren't that brown pasteboard stuff found in old mobile homes with white(ish) counter tops and the new stuff wasn't white with brown counter tops. Kinda jarring, you know? I think he just got stumped when he got to replacing the sink and turning that corner.....

The old cabinets are just pieces of framing 3/4 of an inch thick and 1 1/2 inches wide, suspended from the ceiling and the body part of the cabinets are that thin, dark mobile home paneling covered with a paperboard pattern. Yeah, real attractive. On the side we have done, there's a wall we could attach the cabinets to in addition to securing them at the ceiling. On the other side there's nothing and he's always fretting about whether there'd be enough support for more substantial cupboards. Then there's the corner problem. It's a very odd size where it turns the corner and we haven't found anything pre-made that will fit...adding a new base cabinet and then a corner unit in the closest size to what we need juts the kitchen about 6 inches into the living room. I have no problem replacing the sink with a single bowl smaller one, so that gives us a bit more wiggle room but not enough. There is so little storage in here that we've added 5 white free standing units over the years, two of which are visible in these photos. The big one is where I have to store my cookware and it sticks out into the kitchen about a foot and half because there's a totally useless pantry behind it. The door to that pantry opens into the front door - can't have both open at the same time - and we've put shelves in it to try to make it usable. It originally had a closet rod in it and then a shallow shelf at the bottom for coats and shoes. Worthless! So the free standing cabinet was essential, even if it means I have to move the trash can to get into the drawers in the old side. Then there's the hutch on one side, which surprised us with how much it holds in the base, so we bought another base without the hutch for the other side of the room and that's where the Chef Mike sits. He'll have to stay there because Ken put in a dedicated circuit for it.

Like I said half a kitchen.


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