The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

went out to the garden this morning, picked cucumbers, now to find someone to take a bunch to eat, even if i ate two to three a day, would still take me at least two weeks to eat all of them(no. won't make pickles, don't care for pickles that much but love the vinegar from them) they got ahead of me this week cause i was sick for three days, anyway, green beans are blooming again with all the rain we're getting, bugs are eating my bell peppers like crazy and i don't know how to stop them unless we spray and i ain't wild about that idea, took some green beans, excess, to the auction this past monday, they sold pretty good, made enough to buy all my garden seeds for next year,was happy about that, i had tried to give them to a friend to put up but she was going out of town and wanted to come pick tues. (this was sat,) so needless to say they would have been to old, honestly, next year not going to plant that many
finished fussing
hope everyone is safe this weekend and its a good one
Did you achieve lift off? Last thing I remember is chickens scattering, feathers flying, and friend running to the house screaming, "Mrs Wallace, Mrs Wallace, Georgie just killed himself.

For about 10 seconds, then the bottom fell out! All I remember is I was buried in the pile of hay we (me and my brothers)had put at the bottom of the stack and my brothers disappearing from the crime scene! :lau
Hey, at least you guys thought about the possibilities and cushioned the landing spot!!
Good morning everyone.

Hay all cut and baled. 225 bales in total.

Don't know if you can tell from the pic, but it's also pretty smoky around here. Haven't heard much about fires in BC this year, but there's obviously some pretty bad ones for us to be getting this much smoke.

Spent most of yesterday weed eating trying to clear a path for the house's arrival on Tuesday.

Weather is being totally weird... the past couple of days it's been super hot (34c, low 90s). Tomorrow's high is predicted to reach 12c (53f).

Hope everyone gets some relaxation time as well as everything planned to get done this weekend.
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Good morning everyone.

Hay all cut and baled. 225 bales in total.

Don't know if you can tell from the pic, but it's also pretty smoky around here. Haven't heard much about fires in BC this year, but there's obviously some pretty bad ones for us to be getting this much smoke.

Spent most of yesterday weed eating trying to clear a path for the house's arrival on Tuesday.

Weather is being totally weird... the past couple of days it's been super hot (34c, low 90s). Tomorrow's high is predicted to reach 12c (53f).

Hope everyone gets some relaxation time as well as everything planned to get done this weekend.
Wow, that is a thick smoke overcast. It's been a long time since I've seen smoke that bad here, use to get smoke every year coming up from Mexico, slash and burn techniques really played havoc on our air quality throughout Texas.
BTW, how big is that hay patch? That's a lot of hay considering most round bales contain 25 or so conventional square bales.
Me either, had to have a haystack 25' high and 20mph head wind! :lau
ETA don't know what happened here but my quotes didn't post like they should have? Their in the main body of your post sour.
That happens if the quotes get mixed in with the code for you post.

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