The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Happy late birthday!! Sorry I missed the big day, but you know I wished you one now~ :frow

So cute, and I love the bright colors!

Oh, man! Don't tell her to Google symptoms!! :caf

Only two? I don't think there are enough hugs on the planet!

I'm okay now. Thanks. Just a little heart thingy going on but it's resolved (I hope) now.

Hope I didn't miss any! Yep, yesterday was Ken's birthday, Wednesday was Kenny's, and Terrin's was on the 4th. I'll pass on the birthday greetings, and thanks!

Our nearest one is like @N F C has...90 miles away up in Billings for us!

You have now! :lau

Okay, here's the dirt. I wasn't feeling well for a few days, and if you remember around Christmas, when I was so down in the dumps, Ken had made all kinds of appointments with my different MDs. The last one did a routine EEG (routine for me, anyway). There were some blips she didn't like so I had some further testing done. A little tweaking of my meds and dietary changes (like that's gonna happen! No salt? Is she nuts?) and we may have it all under control. Funny, now that the heart thing is back under control, that annoying self-pity mood is gone too. Coincidence? I am going to ask her when I go back for a re-check if congestive heart failure issues can lead to minor depression. I may be way off base, but it just seems a little odd.

Anyway, I'm back! And all of you are stuck with me and can't do a thing about it! :lau
so glad you're ok and back :wee:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs
Also, I don't know if you guys remember several months ago when I said I thought there was an animal in my closet.... well, it's STILL there. Heard it again today and this time it sounds huge!!!
We had a mole living under the bathtub in and apartment we were renting just after marriage. The bathroom was ground level and on an external wall.

It made a lot of noise too.

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