The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

He asked me if I knew what it was, I guessed right:D
I like the roadrunner but for my money you can keep the rest of the desert. But good thing people want to live there and in big cities, otherwise they might be here!

Surprise birthday party for the Grand Master at the Eastern Star luncheon today. It worked!
Glad to know he shared! Spectacular nutcracker, I bet it brought a tear to his eye. Talk about thoughtful.
Hope he doesn't get depressed. Maybe he should watch some Upbeat shows.

So far he doesn’t seem to be, he just seems really interested, perks up and stares at the TV lol although he does that for other sounds too, like the phone ringing, but he seems especially interested in people crying lol thankfully the crying doesn’t happen too often, watching Marvel lol

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