The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Faces only a mother - and this group - could love! ;)

She had a tough day. A lot of pain between doses of Motrin and crabby as all get-out. It’s hard enough to be little and hurting ..... gotta be 10 times harder when you don’t understand any of it either. Jen stayed home with her today, but I’ll have her tomorrow. Thanks for asking.

I appreciate so much all of the prayers and support. Nothing, nothing scares me worse than something happening to Kendra. That sounds crappy when you think about how many of us there are in the family and how tight we all are, but that’s the simple truth of it. She’s so totally defenseless and dependent on us, and I suppose some of how I feel has a lot to do with the week I had with her while Jenny was ICU right after the baby was discharged after her back closure surgery. I can’t explain it any better than that. I love them all, and I’ve been either the “mom “ and/or day care provider for all of them at one time or another. But Kendra....she’s just in a class by herself.
The internet connection keeps blinking in and out. What a day. Hopefully tomorrow is better!

Ours too!! Idk why!!

Hope the snow lets up soon @N F C . It's back to being hot and humid down here. :sick

Here's the latest photo of our little 'cuties'. In a few more days the older one will be covered in pin feathers so at least it won't look like a bald little vulture anymore. The younger one (at the back of the photo) opened one eye today and gave us a sideways look but it's still a bit of a blob compared to the older one. It did try and preen me though which was sweet. They were both grizzling for some food as I held them, though the little one was already stuffed full!

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Our DD freaked out as she could only find one baby when we went in there. The older one had made its way right to the back (seeing as they were hatched in such a ridiculous place). It does get a lot of sun in the morning in that spot which shines directly under the finch cages (where the 'nest' is) so I wondered if the fact that it has its eyes open now means that it was trying to get away from the brightness. I've put a block of wood over some of the front to give them some shade, but I'll have to keep an eye on them as they will start to explore more.

I'm impatiently waiting on all those pin feathers so I can see where they'll have black patches. I'm hoping at least one has the pretty pearl pattern on their black patches.

Gorgeous pictures @KDOGG331 - I love deer. They have such sweet faces.

How's Kendra today @Blooie ?

Thanks Jae!! You can kind of tell at first when I was scared they would run away and just tried to snap some really quick and not get too close to the windows, hence the through screen ones or far away ones that show the nasty sill or whatever, but then once I realized they weren’t going anywhere and didn’t seem to notice or care about me, then I was able to get better ones hah I was watching them for about 40, 45 minutes. They were so cute!! I love deer too!! They really do have such sweet faces and plus they were so cute with their fuzz lol one or two had shorter fur which I think you can kinda see but the one was still so fuzzy lol soo cute. I know a lot of people don’t think deer are cute cause they bring ticks and eat the hedges and such but I think they are adorable and those plants have survived the deer for like 20+ years so I think they’ll continue to do so :lau I just loved watching them. And as much as I loved Gator and miss him, it’s times like this that I am kind of glad we don’t have him anymore because he would have gone ballistic and scared the deer off :( I love watching the deer and wildlife.
And deer are absolutely delicious with gravy and mashed taters! :lau

:lau I’m sure they are!! My parents have eaten venison before but I don’t think I ever have. My mom’s dad is a hunter (although last year was the first season he didn’t go) so they had all sorts of game growing up and lots of venison but none of us have ever hunted so I don’t think I ever have. Or if I have no one told me. I am sure I would like it, just never tried it. There’s lots of things I have never tried but would like to. And I do love mashed potatoes and gravy. :lau anything with that is usually a good meal. :lau

But thankfully, these deer are lucky and will just be shot with a camera. :p

And I know it sounds crazy but I honestly kind of think sometimes the wildlife knows that our yard is a safe area because it seems like during hunting season, the turkeys come to our yard, and the deer are always here too.

But then again our yard is also surrounded by woods so I think there are lots of animals here anyway. Especially being surrounded by houses and condos and development and one of the only big patches of woods nearby. And ours connects to the other patch of woods so I think the animals kind of all run on the same strip of woods that goes a couple miles down the road.

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