The Non-Chicken Hatch-A-Long


Longfeather Lane
13 Years
Jun 10, 2010
Got bird eggs in the incubator?
Are they set to hatching into something other than chickens?
Peacocks, turkeys, waterfowl, quail, ratites, cage birds, etc?
Come join in and sit nervously by your incubators with me!
I don't know about you, but I could sure use the company!


I'm starting this a little late, but I wanted to make sure that I had even 1 egg going before I said anything. Turns out, it's JUST one egg at the moment!

Next weekend (4/25/15) I have the very first (and previously only!) egg of the year set to hatch into a fuzzy, noisy little peacock (hopefully). I haven't hatched peafowl eggs in a few years, and this is also the first time hatching eggs from MY OWN birds. On top of that, I'm pretty sure the father is Blu, the brother of my first-ever-owned baby girl Osiris, whom I lost last summer. So, I'm pretty darn nervous about this hatch, and really, really hoping it goes well.

I've been setting eggs every friday morning for the past couple weeks now as well, and I believe several of those have started to grow. So I'll be in a state of hatching for a while! Come join in! Set some new eggs or pop in half way and chat!
These are the eggs in the incubator:

The far left one is the one I'm currently waiting on! Lockdown starts Wednesday. This is my first time using my brand new GQF cabinet incubator, so that's just one more thing to be nervous about!
Fingers cross for a successful peafowl hatch for you

I just sold a batch of chicks today that consisted of Barred Rocks, RIRs, Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers and Welsummers, and now that my incubator is empty I'm getting ready to load it up again tonight. But this time with100+ Coturnix and Texas A&M quail eggs. I also have a half dozen Narragansett turkey eggs under a broodie hen.

I told myself I wasn't going to hatching out much of anything this year so last month I loaned out both my sportsman incubator and the hatcher. Now here I am with my old still air Hova-Bator being refilled as fast as it's emptied and putting even more eggs under broody hens.
It's a sickness, I tell you...a sickness!

(But at least I haven't dug out the two ancient Brower incubators from the garage and fired them up...yet.)
Oooo narragansett eggs! You'll probably do GREAT hatching turkey eggs under the broody hen... it SUCKS hatching them in an incubator. Last year I set 12 turkey eggs under a cochin, and she hatched 11 of them (the 12th one got cracked midway through). A couple years ago I set several batches of turkey eggs in an incubator... one bird. All the chickens and peafowl and ducks hatched fine in the same incubator
When are they due?

I just ordered two dozen black copper marans eggs to come in this week (I have an entire cabinet incubator this year, that means I have to fill it, right???) and I'm debating whether I want to hatch EE eggs or just buy the chicks from someone at a swap. I gotta say it's tempting to look for someone selling some really blue eggs for hatching instead of playing roulette and hoping for the best from the adults...
Welp! I went to put my one little peafowl egg on lockdown tonight (to hatch Friday!) and.... it was hatching. Of course I didn't see that until I had opened the incubator and picked up the egg to move it, so the lining dried out almost instantly
So, guess I'm gonna be up tonight helping out 'til the little one is hatched. It'll give me time to finish setting up the brooding box I wasn't going to set up until tomorrow :|

Anyone up/around to keep me company?
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Dog got the Gambel Quail hen that set up a nest under the rosebush. 15 eggs in the nest. So I called Fish & Game about the repercussions of incubating them.... Wouldn't want to go to jail or be fined for doing a good deed. They gave me their blessing and the number of the local Wildlife Rescue for when after they hatch. I think the hatch date will be about the 15th.
Wow, that's really cool of you! Well, welcome to the hatch-a-long! Any pictures of the old nest/eggs?

My first/only baby pea caught a toenail in its yolk and uh... scrambled itself inside out while trying to hatch. What a disaster! My next group is due to hatch May 8th! Hoping that the second time's a charm.
Wow, that's really cool of you! Well, welcome to the hatch-a-long! Any pictures of the old nest/eggs?

My first/only baby pea caught a toenail in its yolk and uh... scrambled itself inside out while trying to hatch. What a disaster! My next group is due to hatch May 8th! Hoping that the second time's a charm.
So sorry!


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