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Do you guys really eat squirrel?   Not something I hear of anyone eating around here.   Deer.  Elk.  Bear.  Grouse.  Dove.  Pheasant.  Antelope. Turkey.  These are the things we mostly think of when hunting.  No trapping anything to eat though.  Deer, Elk, and Pheasant are the big hunts out here.  We have the Mule Deer here.  Big deer!
I gave up eating squirrel, I have high cholesterol. Lol
Bama, I don't think anyone would "suck the brains out, through the eye sockets."
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What - no testicle festival?  Used to drive past the best billboard going to visit my sister in Montana -- "Testicle Festival - Come have a ball!"

You know...there used to be a restaurant here that served "lamb fries"....I miss it....

The owner often lamented to me how hard it was getting to get the raw ingredients for them and calf fries due to the trend to chemically castrate the animals....

But....yeah....Testicle festival....I'll bring my balls....but rather eat some deep fried with cream gravy......OOOOOHHHH....Lordy, them's good eats.....

But I like mudbugs , too.....and boiled green peanuts for dessert!!!!


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