The Olive-Egger thread!

Ruth that is so GREAT!!!
I love all the colors...

Keep up the good work....
Your eggs are lovely! The spotted ones especially, I love it when my Marans do that too! It would be neat to see spotted Olive eggs, wouldnt it? I saw light light green eggs with dark speckles here in town once, they were from a Marans/Delaware cross, she said, but how? Amazing what comes out of the mixes, isnt it? I wonder how to duplicate your grey egg layer? I have been seeking Yellow egg layers - I have heard they exist, but I cant find them??
What other colors can chickens lay? Well, no matter what, your eggs are already every color under the rainbow! Thank you for the beautiful pictures!
Hi all,

My girls are laying a light olive colour


but nothing like those beautiful dark olive eggs!!

My girls are just mutts, not sure what kind of cross they are. The buffy coloured ones are the green layers.


What could I cross them with to try and get that gorgeous dark colour?
A Marans or Welsummer would give you the dark color overlaying the green base. I had some Olive Eggers at one point, but gave them to a friend who was desperate for some. Miss the lovely eggs...
This may sound like a dumb question but does it make a difference if you use a blue or green laying hen over a marans roo or if you use a marans hen over a ameraucanas roo? Does it make a difference?
My very first olive eggs are hatching this very moment. Two have pipped and hopefully will out of their shells soon. I can't wait to see what these chicks look like. I had no idea if they were fertile and/or developing or not. Candling reveals nothing since the shell is so dark. Now I'm thinking I should breed these chicks back to a BCM to get even darker eggs??????

Here's the basket of eggs I just took to incubator.

I am going to ask again.It must have been a really dumb question..haha Well here goes... When trying to get olive colored eggs does it matter if you use a hen that lays blue eggs over a roo like a maran or would it be better to use a marans hen over a ameraucana roo?
You can go either way James, if all you are looking for is egg color, either match will be equal. There is some advantage to doing sex linked matches so you don't waste half your feed bill on roosters.

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