The Olive-Egger thread!

Thanks! We did purchase specifically ameraucanas they offered instead of the 'easter-eggers' for sale after doing a little bit of research on that aspect. I (almost
) have more blue eggs than what I know what to do with. I guess since the hatchery had both EE and ameraucanas they could have sent us anything... but I would hope that wasn't the case.

By definition, a commercial hatchery will not have Ameraucanas--They have to come from a breeder, it is in the Standard for them from the show world. They also have to be one of the accepted color types.

So no hatchery sells them. They are EEs. But! EEs make great OEs! and I really like EEs.

Added: The same is true for Rhode Island Reds. They do sell them as RIR from a hatchery but they are not really the old time Rhode Island Reds and are not up to standard for the show world.
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Speaking of, can you tell me if these are true EE bantams? If they are, then my EE probably are too, they're really small for their age (in comparing sizes with my other pullets at that age). Meyer says these are bantams, but I don't know much about bantams yet.

Bantams are small!

They look like EEs but a reviewer said they lay OE eggs for him. At least one looks like it is crossed with Marans.
Okay thank you!! I was starting to become really sad that Meyer hatchery had sold me a song and dance about getting ameraucanas and not "easter eggers" and that I'd been tricked....
Meryer hatchery does sell blue ameraucana!!!!
Okay thank you!! I was starting to become really sad that Meyer hatchery had sold me a song and dance about getting ameraucanas and not "easter eggers" and that I'd been tricked....

I absolutely don't care if they aren't worthy for 4-H. I just want to continue with getting a little rainbow every time I open up the egg box!
Quote: How small though? My girls are 5mos 1wk, and they're pretty small. I don't have anything to compare them to other than other breeds that I have. They grew at a LOT slower of a rate than the bigs did, and they've stayed smaller. They seem about 1/2 the size of the other girls (I have a rooster too, but I don't use him for comparison since rooster run larger).

I haven't weighed them lately, but they really feel like they weigh next to nothing.
Okay thank you!! I was starting to become really sad that Meyer hatchery had sold me a song and dance about getting ameraucanas and not "easter eggers" and that I'd been tricked....
Okay thank you!! I was starting to become really sad that Meyer hatchery had sold me a song and dance about getting ameraucanas and not "easter eggers" and that I'd been tricked....

I absolutely don't care if they aren't worthy for 4-H. I just want to continue with getting a little rainbow every time I open up the egg box!

They are worthy for 4-H, not an American Poultry Association Show.

4-H is mostly focused on taking care of an animal and it's health--not it's standing int The APA. APA shows will only let recognized breeds show for ribbons. For example, Cream Legbars cannot win a ribbon at an APA show. One can get a ribbon at ribbon at a 4-H shoe.
So... all that aside -- I have three blue laying 'non-APA approved' maybe "ameraucanas" who lay darling little blue eggs.... and maybe my RIR casanova will turn out some green egg layers.... Guess I'll see..

These are my current bunch from my "meatbox incubator" penny in dish is older than a 1992 penny. I try not to put too many eggs in since I am hand turning, then they don't get cold.

This little green egg went in about 5 days ago, below is the candled view, if you can see an "Eye" I guess it is about 5-6 days in.

below is one of the brown eggs, maybe a couple days further along...

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