The Olive-Egger thread!

mine are still young. but the eggs I saw at the breeder were pale bluish/greenish. I hope that mine will do a miracle and lay stronger coloured eggs.
RIRs, and a blue egg layer, regardless of where they come from will make green egg layers. If the blue egg layer only has one dominant blue egg shell gene(more common in hatchery EES) then some will be brown.

The green will not usually be dark enough to make an olive color. RIRs are not listed as being a Dark brown egg laying breed.
Thank-you. That was my real question I guess. . . . maybe a stupid one -- but I just didn't know if all chicken breeds would combine/mix their colored eggs genes... or if some genes would just dominate and you'd have either brown/blue.
Thank-you. That was my real question I guess. . . . maybe a stupid one -- but I just didn't know if all chicken breeds would combine/mix their colored eggs genes... or if some genes would just dominate and you'd have either brown/blue.
Remember that brown isn't a true color but a hemoglobin coating on the egg. White is no color and blue is a shell color. So provided you get a copy of both genes in there you get a blue egg with a brown coating that makes it different shades of "green".

I just keep breeding my best green eggs to my dark maran rooster in hopes of a better shade!
It's going well!   Yesterday I got 9 eggs, and one of them was [COLOR=006400]olive[/COLOR]!  It is my first olive egg (and I've been trying for a year and a half).  I took pics, but for some reason I'm having trouble posting on this site.  I'll try again later.


Is this OE a rooster? Haven't witnessed crowing or sitting...getting antsy for it to do something..

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