The Olive-Egger thread!

My birds are good, but they are tired of this weather. They don't like the wind and snow. Out of 25 hens the only one laying is my turken olive egger.
That is OK if they take a break though. They need to save their energy and keep warm!
Sounds like a neat bird. I am getting about 8 a day. I have alot of young ones laying. the roo is finally fertile. IDK what color egg gene he is contributing...

below these went into my incubator, I pulled the clears (black dots)

the pink dots I got from an out of town farm, and the rest are from my hens. The pink dot ones and a few of mine are due on the 20th, the others on the 16th
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Gimmie Birds - I love the idea of the stickers for identification! Will they stay until hatching or will the humidity in the incubator make them loosen?

Also, to all OE folks - I got my first OE pullet a couple of weeks ago (cross of a Black Copper Maran and a Cream Legbar - don't know which was the cock and which was the hen) and I think she laid her pullet egg yesterday. I found a LOVELY speckled medium brown pullet sized egg - NOT GREEN! Not that the color bothers me (I am specializing in large brown eggs for my customers, just got her so she was not left alone without her Marans buddies), but I find it curious that she seems to be laying brown eggs.

Is this possible? I think it probably is as I have had two EEs that also laid brown eggs!
Yes, I have some eggs that came from OE genes, but now they are producing brown with spots.

Now as far as this batch of eggs...

The colors are photo shopped on eggs, not stickers.. I have good news for me... the egg with the blue arrow was not a clear pull egg... I left it in one more day (I thought it had the ring) but this morning it has spider. it is my only LO egg.
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Yes, I have some eggs that came from OE genes, but now they are producing brown with spots.

Now as far as this batch of eggs...

The colors are photo shopped on eggs, not stickers.. I have good news for me... the egg with the blue arrow was not a clear pull egg... I left it in one more day (I thought it had the ring) but this morning it has spider. it is my only LO egg.

Second Generation OEs do that with egg color.

It is common for things that look like blood rings to resolve into veins. I do not toss them because of that until day 14 and if the stink.
Does anyone know what happens when you cross a blue egg layer and a green egg layer? I haven't seen any diagrams on that cross for eggs

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