The Olive-Egger thread!

Marans are much easier to get than Penedesenca. Penedesenca roosters have very big combs but would still work for you in Washington state Unless your are in the Eastern part that gets cold in the winter.
See I will only have 1 cockerel that would mean Blue becoming Stew

We are less than 100 miles north of Portland
I just started getting slightly larger than silkie sized olive eggs from our petite olive egger. She is a golden color and one of my smaller hens. I think her eggs are adorable, but waiting for the rest of them to start laying and hoping my blue egg layers get with the program. I want to make sure I really have blue egg layers before I reduce my flock for winter and hoping for some normal sized olive eggs! They are all 24 weeks old and only out of all my 15+ young hens, only 4 are laying. (I have 5 older hens (2) lay brown eggs, (3) cream). The 4 laying are (2) silkies, my olive egger and now I am getting a long oval shaped egg that is pinkish in color. (Think that may be my Susex but not 100% sure). My other 15+ 24 week old hens are just free loading at the moment...and the 5 or so roosters are doing the same.

Here are the small olive eggers eggs on top. (This is a few days worth of eggs...get from 5-8 in a day.)
I have a question... How did this spotted BLUE egg with gray spots change color....

.... to this GREEN egg with BROWN spots????

I promise you, this is the exact same egg. The first picture was taken within an hour or two of being laid, fresh out of the laying box. The second picture was taken after a night in the fridge. Has this happened to anyone else?
I have a question... How did this spotted BLUE egg with gray spots change color....

.... to this GREEN egg with BROWN spots????

I promise you, this is the exact same egg. The first picture was taken within an hour or two of being laid, fresh out of the laying box. The second picture was taken after a night in the fridge. Has this happened to anyone else?

I have had eggs look green in the sun and then brown under fluorescent lights. My guess would be light spectrum or something to do with bloom. Bloom will change color too.
I have had eggs look green in the sun and then brown under fluorescent lights. My guess would be light spectrum or something to do with bloom. Bloom will change color too.

I get what you're saying about different lighting effecting how the egg color looks, but this one has changed to green w/brown spots even in natural light. You must be right about the bloom. You said that and it reminded me that the cold in the fridge causes condensation. When you wet the egg the bloom gets washed off and the egg color appears to change. Thank you so much for jogging my memory!
Something of a interesting change pretty blue changing to
the beautiful green but maintained the spots
have not had that here and I do not wash the bloom off
my eggs
Something of a interesting change pretty blue changing to
the beautiful green but maintained the spots
have not had that here and I do not wash the bloom off
my eggs

I never wash mine either, except for one that was laid from the roost at night by a newbie and landed in droppings.
A friend of mine suggested that temperature may have changed the density of the calcium and that bringing it to room temperature might make it turn back to blue? I don't know about that, but just to humor them I left it out for 2 hours. Well, the egg is at room temp and, albeit a tad lighter, it is still green with brown spots. I can't get over how bazaar this is.

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