The "opposing" council-members [ridiculous] statements (must read!)


8 Years
Mar 21, 2013
Hudson, WI
Last night we had our first council meeting. Our proposal was up for a vote within the Public Safety Committee. There are 3 council members on that committee - we would've needed 2 to vote yes. We were unfortunately voted down. 1 yes, 2 no's. Here are some of the statements made by the 2 "no's"

Councilwoman: What if people start slaughtering their chickens? She went on to state that she realized our proposal stated "no slaughtering of chickens" but that people do not always follow ordinances.

Councilman: You can actually go out to the country and RENT a piece of farm land. That would be a great option. You can rent a piece of land from a farmer and you can build a coop and raise your chickens there. Then you can drive out every day and take care of your chickens and collect your eggs.

Councilwoman: (in response to the above statement) Yes, I was going to suggest the same, actually.

[FONT=lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif]Councilwoman: What if people decide they want 8 chickens, not 5. We can't expect people's neighbors to be looking over the fence and counting chickens. We would need to hire another animal control officer just to deal with the chickens and think of all the neighbor complaints! We already have enough complaints and ordinances we can't control.[/FONT]

[FONT=lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif]Councilman: I really believe we need to keep rural and urban areas separate. People move into urban areas with certain expectations and people choose to live in rural areas with expectations and knowing what is there and what they can do. Even this data (we provided them all with the data for the surrounding cities that allow chickens), suggests that LESS than 1% of people in these cities actually end up getting chickens. To me, that seems to further prove that people in those cities also want to keep rural and urban separate. [Then[/FONT] he went on to list the cities near us and that ONLY 2 permits in Afton, 1 permit in Prescott, 4 permits in Stillwater... etc... ]

Councilwoman: And with regard to ALL those permits. Who is going to handle that added work load and what is the expense to do that? Plus she goes on to say, what about ALL those people who have covenants in their neighborhood. So if we let chickens in backyards there are so many people that wouldn't be able to because of their covenants (HOA's). (that would seem quite contradictory to the councilman's statement right above, wouldn't you say?)

Councilwoman: I know you all (talking to the crowd) say they are pets but I just cannot imagine a CHICKEN as a PET. I would definitely not want a chicken walking around in my house (then she sort of laughs, as does the councilman next to her who is also opposed).

The councilman that was in favor even offered up a motion to TRY it on a TRIAL BASIS FOR ONE YEAR... and the other two did not go for it. To not even TRY it. He was so great - he even said "how are ALL of these other cities able to allow this and pass this and they have no problems and we can't even TRY it". He emailed me this evening and thanked me for our hard work and research and that he is still in it with us. He said that MANY things do not pass the first time around and to not give up. We (our group) are going to start a petition locally and focus on the districts to those council members opposed. We will then submit the petition to our mayor and request a WHOLE council vote on it.

So our Hudson Patch editor is calling me at 1pm for an interview. ANY ADVICE?????

They seem pretty much uninformed and unreasonably biased against any thing farm like. Do they also argue against gardening?
I am not much for maintaining calm in the face of idiocy but you are going to need a lot of calm.
I would itemize, in my mind only, their complaints and focus on the positive aspects of chicken raising to counter them. Would also make it unmistakable that you will not be backing down on the campaign to have chickens.
They seem pretty much uninformed and unreasonably biased against any thing farm like. Do they also argue against gardening?
I am not much for maintaining calm in the face of idiocy but you are going to need a lot of calm.
I would itemize, in my mind only, their complaints and focus on the positive aspects of chicken raising to counter them. Would also make it unmistakable that you will not be backing down on the campaign to have chickens.

They are very biased against anything farm like, you are absolutely spot on. The councilwoman even suggested how we have a nice community garden in Hudson and said that it would be like that for chickens [for people to rent farm land and raise chickens in the country]. It was VERY hard for all of us to keep quiet during the meeting and just listen to them rant about that stuff.
sounds exactly like my city. thought it was for a minute. we just had the issue brought up too only to be shot down right away even with all the pleas from the 4h groups around and advocates. I'm so angry at my city! I thought this post was about it but it seems your a different city with the same exact attitudes. so sad isn't it.
Dont give up. The 4H is probably one of the best arguments for chickens that could influence even council members who would otherwise oppose chickens. Keep pushing the educational, responsibility, kids off the streets aspects of keeping chickens.
Dont give up. The 4H is probably one of the best arguments for chickens that could influence even council members who would otherwise oppose chickens. Keep pushing the educational, responsibility, kids off the streets aspects of keeping chickens.
Thank you, we definitely will. We had a high school freshman girl go up and talk before the council last night. She is in 4H and has been since 1st grade and she spoke about wanting to have chickens just like her friends in other towns and in the country do. That she would like to show them ,etc...
Remember, most of these folks have forgotten that you have rights until they "take them away." They're looking at it as "If we LET you do this..."

As far as restrictive covenants, does the municipality actually get involved there? My area has no HOA, and the covenants were goofed up years ago. (We all have copies of different covenants.)
I am trying to come up with a respectful response for the patch article in regards to this: Councilman: You can actually go out to the country and RENT a piece of farm land. That would be a great option. You can rent a piece of land from a farmer and you can build a coop and raise your chickens there. Then you can drive out every day and take care of your chickens and collect your eggs.

Any ideas??
I would say for that one the cost would be prohibitive in both time and money.
As a busy parent I know I don't have time each day to drive out to a farm to pick up the couple of eggs I get from my 3 chickens each day.
The cost of petrol would most likely be more than the eggs are worth.
Perhaps if the councilman was referring to a fairly large poultry set up you could do that but (I imagine) you are only asking to be able to keep a small flock.
Add your time, petrol and the rent to the farmer and that makes it a fairly uneconomical proposal.


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