The perfect coop.


6 Years
Feb 4, 2017
Eastern Montana
If you had the chance to build the perfect coop what would be on your must have list?? (Pictures of examples welcomed!)

This summer new coop/ small run is on the to do list. But I have so many ideas I don't know where to start.

Must haves
Easy to clean
Easy to feed/water
Easy to Gather eggs

We are in the country and they will free range the majority of the time. Of course be put up at night from predators.

My coop now was a retrofit of my old shed on the property that was "the greatest" idea we had (being as we never had chickens before)Lmao 3 years later I'm so tired of the problems and inconveniences the coop really gives us.
Where do you live (generally)? That would make a significant difference in what I would consider “perfect”! And how many chickens do you have, or aspire to have?

So I live in Farmville California lol summers it's gets to 110 at the hottest and if you ever get to freezing it's maybe 2 nights a year. No snow ever. Rain is minimal. Not windy very often.

And I have 15 chickens on order.
A small dog got in the property and decided to help themselves to my last couple of hens this winter.
You will find you need more run space than coop space. The square footage guidelines are 4 sq ft per bird in the coop and 10 sq ft per bird in run. Roosting space should be inside coop and outside 10-12 inches of space per bird in each section. Roosts are where the birds sleep at night and you will find that they enjoy roosting during the day while out and about. Provides good exercise for them also. 1 nesting box for every 4-5 hens. They like to use the same ones often in back of coop. Have removable roosts and ramp for easy cleaning. Easy access to eggs through egg door so don’t have to enter coop. Provide poop trays under roosting a bars for easy cleaning.

Have shed with enough space for 1/2 storage and 1/2 coop. Provide enough space to keep current flock and expand as your local laws and ordinances slow and you desire. Prefer a dividing wall in coop that separate coop from storage space with upper portion screened and lower portion solid wall. Have work bench inside storage side. Have adult size doors to access any entry way and screened door on inside dividing wall. Adult size door in run space. Stone patio on shed and around foot space at entry areas. Eliminates wet muddy messes during times of weather. Landscaping of small amount around coop area with fliers hanging from coop. All screened areas on coop/run should be predator proof with 19 g 1/2 inch hardware cloth.

Would like rain barrel with drip horizontal nipple system for water for cleaner more stable water supply. No cleaning of dirty fountains every couple days. Provides more self sufficiency to flock. Same water system for soaker hoses to nearby raised bed gardens. Purchased rain barrel with two water spigots. Decorative in nature minimum 50 gallon.

Hanging feeders for food and supplements to keep clean and off ground. These should be above butt height and below head height to reach and keep clean.

Shed will have doors windows and shutters for cosmetic appearance painted to match house. Follow minimum ventilation standards 1sq ft of ventilation for every 10 sq ft of coop space. It’s important in a cold environment to have coop insulation of some time and be able to close ventilated areas such as windows and doors in extremely cold or freezing temperatures. If open must be screened for weather and predator protection.

I keep lantern or lighting that is solar on coop and predator lights facing all sides facing woods. Also solar. Solar more fire safe rather than running electricity to coop. That said had to put in coop heater and heated water base for fountain and supply fireproof electricity to coop this year due to freezing temperatures for frostbite protection. Word of warning heated base for water fountain freezes when below 22 degrees anyway even if gauranteed to 20 below. Better investment in winter is heated fountain or putting de-icer in water bucket or storage system. We shall see next year on that one. Like closed horizontal heated water fountain with lid for winter. If freezes move inside for winter if coop big enough or carry fresh water out each day in frozen wonderland. I mostly keep water/food in run prevents moisture and pests that way in coop. I pull feeder at night for same reasons. Happy Coop Planning! Sorry for book. :)
Something like this first pic top:
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I think I forgot to mention should have 19g 1/2 inch hardware cloth as 2 ft apron attached to base of coop/run laid down as best predator protection. Can cover with lawn or landscaping the apron area. :):thumbsup
Perfect for me would be twice as large as you think you need. It would have an isolation/sequestration area at some distance for introducing new birds and caring for sick ones. It would have a brooding area with an enclosure within the run that the little ones could retreat to if they felt threatened.

It would have secure rodent-proof space for feed storage and a first aid box where those supplies were in sight and immediately at hand.

It would be equipped with electricity. I don't do supplementary lighting but I need to run fans in the summer. And the brooding box would need supplementary heat if a broody hen didn't volunteer to take care of that.

I'm not clear if I'd want nesting boxes that were arranged for fresh eggs to roll away to a collection area or if I'd want them to be stationary so broody hens could decide what they want to collect and sit on.

And, as someone said above, everything would have to be well protected from all sorts of predators.
My friend has a roll away egg collection system. Good system if dont want to hatch. I do not as collection from egg door seems fine and do not have broody hens. Reduces cost for me.
The roll away egg idea is actually something I had not thought about! I don't want to hatch anymore. I have encountered too many problems with it.
So the egg roll with the outside the coop egg collection boxes are gunna def. Be on my must have list!
Depending on how you will personally want to deal with inevitable predators, I would start with a run that is big enough you do not HAVE to let them out. That way when predators show up, or if they become regulars, you won’t have a problem if you don’t want to free range constantly.

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