I got 5 eggs today! Two new layers and one dino egg bigger than the cats head. The fall ducklings will be three weeks on Friday, only one more week in the house. Got down to 45F last night brrrr. First year in a long time I turned on heat before Thanksgiving but due to be 78F as a high today.
Good Morning @Magnolia Ducks!
I told everybody a while ago that my ducks know something we haven't discovered yet!
We had frost during the last three consecutive nights, not too bad, just around the freezing mark but frost before Thanksgiving. Brutal sun over the day, i got sunburn on my arms yesterday (!) and cold nights. No »white fungus« so far.
Good morning everyone!! Wunda how’s your spring looking so far?
:frow Good morning Patti, have a great day
Good evening Wunda! Good Morning/Day/Afternoon/Evening/Night everybody!

Yes, nailbitin' day…
:frow Good morning Hillbilly, have a great day
I got 5 eggs today! Two new layers and one dino egg bigger than the cats head. The fall ducklings will be three weeks on Friday, only one more week in the house. Got down to 45F last night brrrr. First year in a long time I turned on heat before Thanksgiving but due to be 78F as a high today.
:frow Good morning Lisa, have a great day

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