Watching that video, they obviously come over when it's treat time. Soooooo, set up a net behind the food area and then lift it when they get to the food, before they can waddle on back to the pond! Then coral them into the duck house, slam the door shut behind them, and laugh.
Nice Idea! - But first they come over in waves of 10 to 15 birds, meaning when the last birds arrive, the first group is already back at the pond and second it would require a lot of fencing, at least 100 meters/110 yards and still they could run around the house on the driveway,,, Let me show you:

I marked the duck-house's and the pond's location, the possible escape routes are in white and the shortest path to the pond is in blue.
I have a lot of 1'(30cm) chicken wire, but that won't contain them, they just casually hope over that. I am still hoping for the upcoming week's frosty night-time temperatures. Maybe the pond freezes over.
So basically "Trump meets Game of thrones"... :)

Yes, most of the country is covered in the north by the east-west barrier of the Alps. However, we're in the NE corner which is outside of this coverage, also farthest from the Adriatic sea (let's say about 250 miles as the mallard flies), has the most continental climate, representing the western edge of the Pannonian basin.

Sometimes all this is demonstrated in a small way - recently most of the country has been having 50+ F temps, even the alpine parts, while we stayed close to freezing most of the day. While that's not cool (it is, but not in that way), the nasty part is when we get hit by Buran, the wind out of Siberia which can bring instant swings to below-zero F. Doesn't happen all that often but it's always a possible threat to young trees etc.
So you are closer to Hungary than to the Mediterranean?

Oh yes, i remember the Buran hitting once while i was in Romania. Temperatures went from about +10° to -30° (50F ->-22F) within less than 12 hours and the snow starts to drift. We have something alike here, when the southern edge of a Canadian Clipper hits us, but its not that extreme.

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