The Rhodebar thread!

Yes, that is what I thought. I have been reading about all the green eggs people have been getting from Rhodebars as mine have been growing out. I was more than a bit relieved and very pleasantly surprised when the first egg arrived and was solidly in the brown camp. Whew.

One down with proper colored eggs, two to go. Fingers crossed...

Now that I have dodged that hurdle, I will be on the hunt for some heritage RIR To improve color.

My first Rhodebar egg out of my little pullet..... Does everything looks normal?... I am colorblind..
That's a tall order. You can read what the original breeders mated to make the first Rhodebars., tells a little about them. I have read some things about even that process might take 4 years in order to get the first line that will look like a Rhodebar but then you want to get the right specimen which could take a little longer. You can look on here and might find a couple breeders that sell chicks at a better price than Greenfire Farms. , is one that list them in pairs.
That's a tall order. You can read what the original breeders mated to make the first Rhodebars., tells a little about them. I have read some things about even that process might take 4 years in order to get the first line that will look like a Rhodebar but then you want to get the right specimen which could take a little longer. You can look on here and might find a couple breeders that sell chicks at a better price than Greenfire Farms. , is one that list them in pairs.
he can get Rhodebar looking birds in almost no time.... autosexing rhodebars will take a longer time. but hey he needs to start somewhere
Sorry, but I am an absolutel newbie to chicken genetics. I have always just had junkyard chickens until very recently. I recently ordered $100 worth of Rhodebar eggs and unfortunately only had two hatch, and even more unfortunately they are both hens. I am not willing to take the chance on another $100 at this time. Any suggestions on how I can get the Rhodebar look without the Rhodebar expense by using the hens I have.....Thank You
Sorry, but I am an absolutel newbie to chicken genetics. I have always just had junkyard chickens until very recently. I recently ordered $100 worth of Rhodebar eggs and unfortunately only had two hatch, and even more unfortunately they are both hens. I am not willing to take the chance on another $100 at this time. Any suggestions on how I can get the Rhodebar look without the Rhodebar expense by using the hens I have.....Thank You
I love Junkyard hens.... say your Rhodebar pullets grow to be hens(cross your fingers and take good car of them that 50$ per hen you just paid there) get yourself a Heritage or good quality Rhode Island Red rooster. cross him to the pullets. All of the Boys will come out looking nice dark red barred. but the pullets wont, they will look like RIR hens but thats ok, you only need the roosters anyways... select the best males and cross them back to the Rhodebar pullets to get more Rhodebar looking birds

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