The Rhodebar thread!



he seems to be young, so he could fill abit more. color wise he is spot on with how double barred males look..... as for the eggs, may things can affect egg color, sometimes is the heat, feed and such. but atleast she is laying brown eggs, not green..

Edit. Guys I'm doing a genetic Research and I believe I'm close to finding how to have double barred males to display the Dark colors of single barred males but retaining the "Autosexing" traits of double barred males
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he seems to be young, so he could fill abit more. color wise he is spot on with how double barred males look..... as for the eggs, may things can affect egg color, sometimes is the heat, feed and such. but atleast she is laying brown eggs, not green..

Edit. Guys I'm doing a genetic Research and I believe I'm close to finding how to have double barred males to display the Dark colors of single barred males but retaining the "Autosexing" traits of double barred males

That would be awesome!

How old do you think my hen needs to be before i start breeding her..? She just started laying a few days ago and im thinking ill probably wait till august...
Biggest issue with August is it is 110+ here. I usually stop hatching any eggs by 4th of July & start again in September and hatch through Oct.. I prefer to get them fully feathered before any chance of winter weather comes. That is just what works for me. My rhodebar pullets are 17wks old & I don't plan on setting any of their eggs until fall. Glad your pair are working are doing well!
Biggest issue with August is it is 110+ here. I usually stop hatching any eggs by 4th of July & start again in September and hatch through Oct.. I prefer to get them fully feathered before any chance of winter weather comes. That is just what works for me. My rhodebar pullets are 17wks old & I don't plan on setting any of their eggs until fall.  Glad your pair are working are doing well!

My only problem is that i bought them off of someone and its kinda a guesstimate when they were hatched..
True. I am trying to take my Hambars back to RIR and even there they say that I can get Rhodebar color but might take another 3 to 4 generations to get the autosexing.
True. I am trying to take my Hambars back to RIR and even there they say that I can get Rhodebar color but might take another 3 to 4 generations to get the autosexing.
correct, now keep in mind some e+/eWh heterozygote(wildtype e+/ wheaten eWh) chicks will infact look wildtype at hatch this will cause double barred males to be much lighter than the females, so at least you will find some double barred males sooner than you think

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