The Rhodebar thread!

Thought we'd share...
Our oldest daughter got married a few months ago and moved to a subdivision in town.
So... we built her a chicken tractor for Christmas.
We wrapped a 50 lb bag of layer pellets to put under the tree
with a note saying "3 hens from our hen house are included".

Fun Fun... we weren't sure what she'd think but she was WAY excited.
I'm afraid the younger 2 daughters are now trying to figure out if they can get a chicken tractor on the balcony of an apartment or dorm room.

It can be done chicken tractor on balcony, no problem. LOL Nice tractor.
Thought we'd share...
Our oldest daughter got married a few months ago and moved to a subdivision in town.
So... we built her a chicken tractor for Christmas.
We wrapped a 50 lb bag of layer pellets to put under the tree
with a note saying "3 hens from our hen house are included".

Fun Fun... we weren't sure what she'd think but she was WAY excited.
I'm afraid the younger 2 daughters are now trying to figure out if they can get a chicken tractor on the balcony of an apartment or dorm room.

I would recommend Norwegian Jaerhons for baloneys. They are small but lay lots of medium to large eggs. They can be very tame and they are auto-sexing so you will not accidently get a rooster. Three hens would do fine in a small tractor.
Thought we'd share...
Our oldest daughter got married a few months ago and moved to a subdivision in town.
So... we built her a chicken tractor for Christmas.

I would recommend Norwegian Jaerhons for baloneys. They are small but lay lots of medium to large eggs. They can be very tame and they are auto-sexing so you will not accidently get a rooster. Three hens would do fine in a small tractor.

It was a joke... My middle would not own chicken. It's too easy for her to visit the farm once a month and get all the eggs, chicken, lamb, beef, honey, and veggies she needs.
I have located a breeder in Canada that is not charging an arm and a leg for Rhodebar stock so this perfect. I have some production red ( actual production red's not sexlinks these are Rhode Island Reds that have only been bred for egg laying traits) that I will be putting the Rhodebar's over. They have a lot of ability for production traits but also need a lot of work. By introducing the Production Red I will be boosting heteros and that is needed
For those who are having issues ID'ing your chicks. Have you considered zip wingbands - Love them they can go on as day old's and if you do it right they will not rip out. It just occurred... it would be a good combo with toe punching - punching the first week or so and than wing band for a long term solution
Hmmm... I'm here in TN and mine have really picked up. The are in outside breeding pens with no light and yet are laying daily. I set eggs yesterday.

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