~ The Roleplay Chat Thread ~ More updates, check pg 1!

I wouldn't advise it, maybe a partial one like the wanderers, they exist but drift between the already existing threads. We are trying to keep the Rp's down, remember the huge deal a little while back?

Of course I do! bleh.

Or make it on the website, with just the two new ones people have made more than two threads about them... I'm also starting to think that the Games, Jokes, and Fun section is getting a little choked...
Of course I do! bleh.

Or make it on the website, with just the two new ones people have made more than two threads about them... I'm also starting to think that the Games, Jokes, and Fun section is getting a little choked...

There was nothing of the giant about a wolf named Swan, who lay asleep under a den of bended boughs that were bare of leaves, out in the middle of nowhere. It was another harsh, cold winter morning. As she yawned and stretched, she took a look around her, the forest seemed dead and lifeless. It was quiet, clouds hung low in the sky, and there was no sign of the sun anywhere. She looked up with her vibrant yellow pools of curiousity and wonder, and squinted when a droplet of water aimed right for them. The clouds gave their booming, thunderous roar before pouring thick sheets of rain down on the dry, desperate earth. The rushing, white noise of the rain calmed her, it was what she looked forward to each winter. Sweet, sweet silence, this was what she'd always wanted. But still, she felt empty, a look of sadness crossed over her thoughtful eyes. She wondered, why was she here? Why was she so far from the place she called home? And then she remembered, what she'd been trying so hard to forget.

Two creatures, that stood tall but were lanky in build, invaded the pack's vast territory while the others were absent. Swan, as always, slept through their early morning hunt. She opened an eye, jolted completely awake, and identified these creatures as humans; the creatures her pack always told her of. Before she could run, a rope was thrown around her neck. While she snarled and wriggled madly, the rope tightened, choking her for a moment, before she was dragged into a cage. "We've found her, the strange wolf I'd always swore to have witnessed!" Shouted one, beaming proudly, showing his hostage to the other human. They gazed upon her with smiling eyes, "We will be rich." Said the other. With that they locked the cage, and walked away with their prize. Dove realized she was now powerless, she couldn't fight back. They had her trapped now. She lay, with her head between her paws, whining softly. Their faces were unchanged, their greedy eyes showed neither mercy nor sympathy for the helpless wolf. When they reached a large, shining machine that stood on four round black feet, they threw her in the back of it. They high-fived each other before hopping into the machine, a car, and driving off. They didn't bother to cover the cage, so the rain fell on her thick coat until she was soaked through to the skin. She didn't mind the rain in itself, but shivered when the wind kicked up. Her cold toes felt numb and her ears swiveled back, and she went into a light and troubled sleep.

The truck pulled to an abrupt stop that rocked her around and she awoke. She felt warmth, opened her heavy, wet eyes, and the sun shone brightly into them. She shook her head, the last few droplets of water flew in every direction. Whilst she was shaking, she bumped her head. She winced and looked up, remembering that she was still incarcerated in the cage. Her paws had swollen marks of the bars below, and her head throbbed for a moment longer. She chewed on the bars out of the mere frustration of it all. The men came back to the truck, she wanted so badly to rip off the filthy smirk that was still stuck on their faces. They lifted out the cage and brought her to a small building and set her down. There was a desk, and another man stood behind it. When he saw the cage, his eyes widened. "This is the wolf?" He asked dumbfoundedly to the other two, his eyes going back and forth. "Yes," Answered another arrogantly, "This is the one." The one behind the desk nodded, "How much are you taking for her?" He then asked anxiously. "Fifty thousand. Firm." Was the man's answer, and it sounded quite serious. "Forty thousand." Haggled the man behind the desk. "Forty-five thousand." Was the first man's response. "Deal." The man behind the desk said, then dished out the money, taking the cage out of the building and leaving to somewhere else.
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What is the difference between half the threads on Random ramblings and the Rp threads? Really there isn't one minus what looks like the age group, I know the Rp's seem immature to some, but still. Semi quoting what Birdnut said earlier, they are another life kinda, just an escape where we can fool around a bit and have fun. Writing, talking to each other, imagine what Booboo could be doing right now if these didn't exist? Jk.
There are to many of them, I know, we're still working on it. Not trying to fight with anyone, just pointing things out.....

Maybe we Rp'ers could just go back into the unanswered posts section and answer or bump up like 5 each of the posts there? Just an idea, I think might help.
Any others?

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