~The School Of Fright~ New RP

Name: Skye Warren
Age: '14 rising 15'
Gender: F
Personality: Tough, spunky, and fun. Not much fases her. She will do anything to stand up for her freinds and the ones she trusts, does have a bit of a temper at times. But otherwise she is very hard working, and bubbly
History: Was practicaly dumped here by her parents after discovering her power
Power: Invisability. Only lasts for a certain amount of time though

Username: Silver Bantam
Other: Had to leave her horse behind when she was moved here, misses him dearly so now has a pet spider in a match box as some sort of comfort
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Name: Landon Langdon
Age: 16
Gender: male
Personality: Overconfident, braggy, flirty, bad boy. Smart, brave, witty. The one your parents don't want you around. Good at getting what he wants.
History: Parents died in a car wreck when he was 13. Lived with his Aunt since then.
Power: Elements
Picture: Short blonde hair, cobalt blue eyes, 5'9" tall, muscular, athletic.
Username: charnic44

Hmm, that's funny. I happen to know someone who just about fits that description perfectly -.-
Name: Death ( Gave himself this name. Forgot his real name)
Age: 18
Gender: M
Personality: fairly nice but he is more of a quiet person. Not to many words to say. A perfectionist. Kids tease him and are mean. He has nick names in which they call him.
History: dumped out as a kid because of his powers. He killed the family dog. Doesnt know how.
Power: Death. He cant just look at you and kill you. Its more like he has to concentrate on your soul and kill it but he has to be angery. Talk to the dead and summon them

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