~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

(My sass-radar is beeping.)

Miri winced as her teeth hit the metal of the pencil. Grumbling unintelligible swears, she glared at the pencil. She grabbed another pencil and started softly drumming them on her desk and notebook.
Craig's mind was wandering, he had a million things going through his head, most of them about that Miriam girl, he wanted to know more about her, get to know her, hopefully an opportunity would present itself(Hint hint;))
Skye gazed around the room quietly as she took a seat, setting her surprisingly heavy bag down.
Danika took her seat at the back of the class and set her bag down, pulling out a notebook and flipping through a moment before starting to scribble on it
((Maaaaaybe a little bit...))

Arwen inconspicuously caught the note. On the back, she scribbled. Haha. Try not to make me laugh, then. she passed it back. Her handwriting was definitely unique. It was like an odd blend of cursive and print. Some of the letters were pretty neat and kinda fancy, while others looked like they had been blindly scrawled by a one-legged chicken.

((I'm just describing my own handwriting at this point))
Mark nodded to Joseph then looked over to Ryan "Yeah we can go now" He said then looked back to Joseph "I'll see you in the morning then" He said and moved over to Ryan, Ari and Zack

Ari smiled at Ryan "Really? I would like that" She said softly, excited to try a bow again.

Zack smiled, "Hey Joseph, mind if I drive them over?"

"No, I don't mind at all, go on." He replied.

"My car is in the back, let's go." Zack said with a grin, picking up one of the bow cases and the shoe box and walking towards the door.

Ryan smiled at Ari, picking up the other bow cases, "Really, I have a range on the ro–, um, I'll show you when we get then."

"Come on, slow pokes!" Zackary called from out side.

Ryan glanced at Ari again, then started for the door.
Zack smiled, "Hey Joseph, mind if I drive them over?"

"No, I don't mind at all, go on." He replied.

"My car is in the back, let's go." Zack said with a grin, picking up one of the bow cases and the shoe box and walking towards the door.

Ryan smiled at Ari, picking up the other bow cases, "Really, I have a range on the ro–, um, I'll show you when we get then."

"Come on, slow pokes!" Zackary called from out side.

Ryan glanced at Ari again, then started for the door.
Ari grinned then looked to Mark and the two followed Zack and Ryan out of the shop and over to the car Zack was heading for
Asher Winslow, aka Ash (much to his disgust), walked quickly down the lightly slopped hill the the foot path he was following was stretched out upon. It lay ahead of him like an ugly grey ribbon, sloping gently over the small rises in the ground. The boys dark hazel eyes skimmed over the surrounding roads and streets as he tried to keep his mind off the fact that he was late again. Desperatly late. Ash picked up the pace for the third time and swung his bag in his hand as he drew closer. Hopefully he wouldn't get in to much trouble, it hadn't exactly been his fault annyway

((Open! Anyone feel free to jump in :) ))
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"Must be hard for you," said Charity sarcastically. She wasn't the sort to show it, but she enjoyed this sort of flirting. It made for a great way to pass the time. The boy obviously liked it as well.

(So Tim's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs then?)

((Tim is way cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! :p ))

"Very..." Jay replied in a tone that reflected the, sarcastic, heartache it caused him, then chuckled. "Name's Jayden, by the way, but I go by Jay. What's yours?" He asked with a crooked smile.
((They'd both be trying ro kill her though,
But I'll go with Julie because she won't kill her unless she shifts))

Julie climbed one of the sturdier trees in the area, something she always did to improve her skills. She sat with her feet dangling in the air, observing the surrounding area.
Alice slowed as she left the concrete behind and entered the meadow that led to the forest. She took each step carefully, numbering them in her mind as she had been taught to since losing her sight. When she reached the first of the trees she smiled then made her way down a path she knew well. She stopped when she reached a stream and settled to the ground, listening to the water
Leah nodded, smile still vaguely visible. "Well I guess I'll see you around then, maybe. I've gotto go, I'm already late as it is" She added a small frown as she glanced up ahead

((Ok, well I'll just start typing his starter and anyone can jump in. I don't particularly mind what charrie, either :) ))
"Okay," said Lee, walking slowly away, mind whirling.

Hunter had been listening in on their conversation, his heightened senses were to thank for that, he growled softly, he'd remember these two in the future, just in case

Craig's mind was wandering, he had a million things going through his head, most of them about that Miriam girl, he wanted to know more about her, get to know her, hopefully an opportunity would present itself(Hint hint;))
Miri shifted slightly in her seat. Decisions, decisions. Why was she tearing herself up over this anyway? Really, why? 'Cause he's kinda cute and seems nice, said that part of her that she never got along with. She scribbled a note in what could only be described as a tidy scrawl: Hi. Don't know if you remember me, but I'm that girl who snapped at you yesterday. Sorry about that.

Not very eloquent, but, well, she wasn't feeling too eloquent at the moment. She passed the note to Craig.

(Opportunity: presented.)

((Maaaaaybe a little bit...))

Arwen inconspicuously caught the note. On the back, she scribbled. Haha. Try not to make me laugh, then. she passed it back. Her handwriting was definitely unique. It was like an odd blend of cursive and print. Some of the letters were pretty neat and kinda fancy, while others looked like they had been blindly scrawled by a one-legged chicken.

((I'm just describing my own handwriting at this point))


Careful. I think he heard you exhale. Will's handwriting was a masculine print, each letter well-defined like something out of a textbook.

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