~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

Ari grinned then looked to Mark and the two followed Zack and Ryan out of the shop and over to the car Zack was heading for

Zack reached his car, and unlocked the doors, it was a cheep, tan thing, but it was all he could afford, and it served its purpose, so he didn't care.

Ryan and Zack put the bows in the trunk, then Zack looked to the others, "Who wants shotgun?" He asked.
((hehe at least I switched out))

Arwen held in a laugh, exhaling audibly instead. A phone beeped, and she winced slightly. It was hers. Looking around as if to find out who it was, she casually slipped her hand in her pocket and shut it off, concealing the movement with turning around. It turned off silently. She kept looking behind her, and when she finally turned around, she saw the teacher looking at her accusingly. "Anything you want to declare, Miss Leight?" He held out his hand for her phone, which she took out, showing that it was off, and therefore couldn't have been the culprit. "I declare that this is stupid. You have no proof."
"Charity," she replied. Actually, it's Charity-Ellen Baines, but that's ridiculous and I'll have to kill you if I tell you.

"That's a pretty name, it's nice to meet you, Charity," Jay said, only afterwards realizing that he had said almost the same thing to Skye earlier. "So, will you be skipping this cattle yard today, or attending the brainwashing, mind numbing classes...?" He asked sarcastically, he actually didn't mind school, and really liked learning, but had also leaned that girls don't seem to go for the brainy types.
Asher Winslow, aka Ash (much to his disgust), walked quickly down the lightly slopped hill the the foot path he was following was stretched out upon. It lay ahead of him like an ugly grey ribbon, sloping gently over the small rises in the ground. The boys dark hazel eyes skimmed over the surrounding roads and streets as he tried to keep his mind off the fact that he was late again. Desperatly late. Ash picked up the pace for the third time and swung his bag in his hand as he drew closer. Hopefully he wouldn't get in to much trouble, it hadn't exactly been his fault anyway

Khloe had walked through the forest for awhile, enjoying the cool air, the dappled light, the soft ground underfoot. But that abruptly stopped when some sort of white and drown hawk attacked her, in the face, and she had to turn into her cheetah form just to get away from the crazed thing. After that, she started just walking through the streets of town, a few bloody cuts on her face, but her arms had gotten the worst of it when she tried to protect her face.

Eventually, she found herself walking onto a grey foot path, and started following it. After a little ways of walking, she heard something on the path behind her, and looked around to see, what she considered to be a very handsome young man, and gave him a coy smile, one that she had perfected over years of practice, completely forgetting about the small cuts on her face.
Zack reached his car, and unlocked the doors, it was a cheep, tan thing, but it was all he could afford, and it served its purpose, so he didn't care.

Ryan and Zack put the bows in the trunk, then Zack looked to the others, "Who wants shotgun?" He asked.
"I'll ride shotgun" Mark said and smiled then looked to Ari and went to open the door to the backseat for her before getting in the passenger seat. Ari smiled then went to sit in the backseat
"I'll ride shotgun" Mark said and smiled then looked to Ari and went to open the door to the backseat for her before getting in the passenger seat. Ari smiled then went to sit in the backseat 

"Alright then," Zack said with a smile, winked at Ryan and got in the drivers side.

Ryan was a little uncomfortable with the idea, but moved to the door, siding into the backseat beside Ari.

"Where is your place, dude?" Zack looked back and asked.

"1320, NewOak road," Ryan replied.

Zack shifted gears into revers and backed out, maybe a little quicker then was needed, and Ryan scrambled to grab the seatbelt, as Zack pulled them sharply out of the parking lot, and took off across the bridge. Once safely buckled in, Ryan leaned forward, "Your going to want to turn on Elm street," he instructed, pointing to the next intersection.

"Right or left?" Zack asked.

"Right," Ryan replied.

Zack smirked, "Ah, so the nice side of town," then turned right onto Elm, taking the turn a little tighter then he should have.

Ryan smiled in apologetic way, though there was no need to be sorry for living comfortable, it wasn't like he spent his money on race cars and other big luxury items.

"Oh hah, here we are," Zackary said as he cut off two cars and pulled into the apartments drive.

It was a large pace, classic looking place, with an indoor pool, a communal room, fitness center, and three spacious apartments on the first floor, another three on the second, and a penthouse or the third floor, with the roof top to its self, that was Ryan's. There was even an underground parking for the residents, "Here," Ryan handed his keycard to Zack, and the gate opened when he swiped it.

Zack pulled into the underground garage and parked crookedly. Ryan almost told him to fix it, so that they would not be blocking three spots at once, but thought better of it, he'd leaving soon anyway. "Everyone out," Zack told them with a grin, then got out of the car.
Mark grinned at the ride, enjoying it, he got out then waited for Ari and looked to Ryan to see where they would go. "Thanks for the ride Zack" He said with a grin.
Mark grinned at the ride, enjoying it, he got out then waited for Ari and looked to Ryan to see where they would go. "Thanks for the ride Zack" He said with a grin.

"No problem, anything for an acquaintance of an acquaintance." Zack answered with a laugh, then looked to Ryan who was just getting out, "Mind if I come up? I wanna see what kinda place you've got." He asked, opening the cars trunk and pulled out both bow cases.

"I don't mind," Ryan said calmly, then came around the back of the car to help carry the things.

"It's okay, I'll take them, you need your hands free so you can open doors for me," Zackary said with a grin, "You take the hiking boots."

Ryan didn't object, it wasn't in his nature too, so he grabbed the shoe box and closed the trunk. He glanced back to the others, then walked across to the elevators, Ryan usually took the stairs, but with Zack holding both bows, he thought the elevators were a better chose, even though he hated the things. He swiped his keycard, and the doors slid open, once they were all in, he pushed the 1. The elevator started smoothly up, and Ryan clenched his jaw. The doors opened into the spacious communal room, there were tables, armchairs, couches, and three flat-screen TVs.

He walked out of the elevator and walked to a second elevator just to the right of the other, "This one goes to the upper," he explained, "I'll give you both keycards so you can come in and out freely, and you're welcome to use the pool or hang out here."
Mark looked around then to Ari and smiled at her "quite a difference from sleeping under the stars "

Ari chuckled and nodded " Yeah, it is " she said and looked around the room "Very nice place. "

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