The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Depends what you wanna do with them. If your eating them, then you are definitely lucky. I have a glw. That regularly lays double yolkers
, but if you are collecting for the incubator they are not suitable.

Correct, double yolkers will not hatch. good to eat, but not for breeding.

Oh I eat them.
I love the taste of my girls eggs. I want to hatch some EE x SLW mutts next year but that shouldn't be a problem. I can usually always tell which are double yolkers by their enormous size. Love my lucky girls.
Pretty girls. :) Are they laying for you yet?
And random question for all you SLW keepers. How often if at all do your SLW lay double yolkers? My 2 girls seem to give me 2-3 a month on average. Is it because they're still relatively young ( 6.5 months)? Or am I just lucky? They've been laying for 2.5 months now. I just got my third one this month today. :weee

thank you! yes, they're both laying-though one seems to be more consistent than the other. they're a little more than 5 months old.

New to this thread as I was going to order some chicks but have been reading they are pretty noisy. That is a problem where I live. Is it just some chicks or most in general. Right now I have barred rocks who talk non stop but not loud about it and austrlorps who honk like ducks but quiet as well.

Maybe this isnt the breed for me?

My girl is talkative in a nice way. Not real loud that the entire neighborhood can hear. She and my EE were hatched on the same day and are close. The EE is laying and announces it for everyone to know she laid an egg. I also have a Golden Cuckoo Marans hen and she talks but only at dusk when they are figuring out where they want to perch in the coop.

New to this thread as I was going to order some chicks but have been reading they are pretty noisy. That is a problem where I live. Is it just some chicks or most in general. Right now I have barred rocks who talk non stop but not loud about it and austrlorps who honk like ducks but quiet as well.

Maybe this isnt the breed for me?

Mine are the quietest of all of my chickens. My AMs are loud.
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my two SLWs are by far my loudest. one of them screams if you look at her funny. but they're also new to the flock and still a little stressed so they'll probably tone it down a little eventually.

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