The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

I just candled my full tray of eggs in my HovaBator and all my pure silver-laced Wyandotte eggs were clear. Has anyone had to clip the vents? Last month I had some barnyard mixes from the same rooster, so I know he's not infertile.
Where did you get show-quality Silver-Laced Wyandotte eggs from with a good hatch rate? My HovaBator 1588 is working beautifully with my barnyard mix eggs from my own backyard (94% & 97% hatch rates so far) but am scared to get eggs shipped. Anyone have good luck? Looking for fat, fluffy, and distinctly laced birds in Albany, NY and not having much luck locally!
I have two beautiful hens and two handsome roos from Jim Monk. I'm not sure what his lines are, but I'd like to find out. Unfortunately, my favorite of the two, Waffle died over night. Kerplunk. I have no idea what happened. The other SLW hen, French Fry, was a little gaspy after I trimmed her vent feathers the other day, but I thought that was because I was holding her sort of upside down. Don't know what is going on ...
I have two beautiful hens and two handsome roos from Jim Monk. I'm not sure what his lines are, but I'd like to find out. Unfortunately, my favorite of the two, Waffle died over night. Kerplunk. I have no idea what happened. The other SLW hen, French Fry, was a little gaspy after I trimmed her vent feathers the other day, but I thought that was because I was holding her sort of upside down. Don't know what is going on ...

It's not wise to hold a chicken upside down for too long. You run the risk of them aspirating any food that may be in the crop and it places pressure on the lungs which can lead to respiratory issues and possible death. :(
Oh dear. It wasn't for very long - a minute or so. I really wasn't trying to hurt them or anything. I feel awful.

A minute is not likely to cause death, but I guess it depends how they were being held also. Don't beat yourself up, we all live and learn. :) I've seen people carrying them by the feet cause ' nan ' did it that way. Nan usually had an axe in the other hand though. :rolleyes:
A minute is not likely to cause death, but I guess it depends how they were being held also. Don't beat yourself up, we all live and learn.
I've seen people carrying them by the feet cause ' nan ' did it that way. Nan usually had an axe in the other hand though.

My light Brahma passed away today. She had been going downhill for awhile. I thought she was a year when I got her, but maybe she was older. She definitely was hatchery, so two isn't that old for a hatchery chick. I'm just worried there's something going around. I haven't seen any worms in the poo, but maybe I should worm them anyhow.

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