The story of how I got my little hens


In the Brooder
Nov 20, 2016
Belton texas
I work for a repair company that fixes fork lifts and I was called to a big agricultural chain store and while in the back of the warehouse I found a water troff with baby chicks and man were they ugly. That had gotten ugly. No one would buy them because they had began to molt and had lost their cute baby chick fuzz and had feather on only parts if their little bodies. They were placed with the sick and dieing so that the customers wouldnt see them. Well i took and a chance and asked about them the manager told me for 50 cents each i could take them home. So i bought all of them that were strong enough to still move. At the register i ended up only paying a quarter each. Well now they are almost 11 weeks old and love theor life. They forage all day and are getting the hang of being put up at night. All the crumble they want plus scratch throughout the yard. No longer are the the ugly chicks but fully feather pullets. Out of the original 16 i purchased 14 made it home aftwe a co worker bought 2.(which his died a few short days later) and ive lost 2 when they first got to stay out side. But 12 have grown big and strong and out of that 12 we have the good fortune of having 11 pullets.
Nice story! Sounds like both the chickens and you are lucky (especially the part about 11 pullets and only 1 roo).

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