the sultan thread

My sultan is very difficult to bathe, so I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to clean her crest. Is it fine to leave it dirty? It's not effecting her at all I don't think, but it just doesn't look too great.

A way:
hold in your arm, either dip cupped hand in bucket/under faucet and pour on crest and just massage her...rinse and repeat...

Wait till it's pouring out in decent temperatures, put on your raincoat, grab hen, stand in rain, massage head! :)

Spray bottle while holding her...

Even easier if someone else will hold her or you hold her and let someone else do it! No matter how you decide to do it, remember to make it fun for both of you...Don't expect to stay dry and clean and maybe bring some treats for her while she's "suffering" thru it!
wow how pretty!!!

I have a question for all you sultan fans: how is their hatch rate compared to other breeds? I know some (like seramas) can be difficult to hatch and I was wondering if sultans were easy or hard to hatch. Thanks!

Pic of bubbles:

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