The Sussex thread!

My 2 speckled Sussex are feathering out now and it appears they are white breasted. Not spotted but solid white. I got the eggs from ebay and am a bit suspicious of a breed mix up. Do they go through a "light" stage as juveniles? Or perhaps is it odd markings?Any ideas before I contact the seller.
they do this as juveniles the next molt you will see there mottling appear and there white chest disappear...
My 2 speckled Sussex are feathering out now and it appears they are white breasted. Not spotted but solid white. I got the eggs from eBay and am a bit suspicious of a breed mix up. Do they go through a "light" stage as juveniles? Or perhaps is it odd markings?Any ideas before I contact the seller.

My Lil SS turned 4wks. On Sunday... She's gettin So Pretty, I'm so glad I decided to get her.

I think I took these pix on Monday....she's feathered out even more from Monday to this morning....LOVE HER!!!
Oooo! I found a Sussex thread! I'll have to post later. Right now I need to jump in the shower, take the dogs out, lock them up, pack my supper for tonite and head to work. TTYS!!
Can anyone tell me the sex of this "speckled sussex pullet." She was sold to me as a pullet "about 2 months old." The bird has been here for about 3 weeks... it had no tail feathers when I got it and now has feather 'stubble' growing in where the tail should be. I have also been told that the feathers on it's legs 'may' indicate it is actually a brahma cross...? I would really value any thoughts on this bird. Thanks.

Can anyone tell me the sex of this "speckled sussex pullet." She was sold to me as a pullet "about 2 months old." The bird has been here for about 3 weeks... it had no tail feathers when I got it and now has feather 'stubble' growing in where the tail should be. I have also been told that the feathers on it's legs 'may' indicate it is actually a brahma cross...? I would really value any thoughts on this bird. Thanks.

idk about the leg feathers but he is no pullet lol...
Can anyone tell me the sex of this "speckled sussex pullet." She was sold to me as a pullet "about 2 months old." The bird has been here for about 3 weeks... it had no tail feathers when I got it and now has feather 'stubble' growing in where the tail should be. I have also been told that the feathers on it's legs 'may' indicate it is actually a brahma cross...? I would really value any thoughts on this bird. Thanks.


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