The Sussex thread!

Another beautiful Dororthy photo with the with the usual stunning countryside as a background. I honestly stay subscribed to this thread just to see your beautiful pics, Johnn. I no longer have my Coronation Sussex, but I believe I a Speckled Sussex will someday be in our coop. (Kind of at the limit for now, so my own SS is a future wish.)

<3 Dorothy!!
Thank you both!! :)

Look at that! She is so cute and the background, it's amazing!


Yay! I can upload photos again!

Here's my 8 week old unnamed Speckled Sussex. Fingers crossed for a pullet. Long body, bottom of the pecking order, not a lick of male personality .... pink comb and mini wattles! Gah. Love watching it grow and develop those colors. :) it might be at the bottom of the social group, but it's been first to figure out how to get treats, how to bathe, how to perch, how to fly, etc. Little smarty!

Very nice spot they have there. They're so cute.
Doe anybody know how many weeks old the chicks are when they start laying eggs?
The weather plays a part, but many breeds start around 20-24 weeks if they have enough daylight hours. The giant breeds like English Orpingtons can take 7-9 months. I once had an Easter Egger start at 17 weeks. (Blew my mind!)

If your pullet reaches maturity during the shorter days of winter, the start of egg laying will be delayed.
I'm a Speckled Sussex owner again! I got two in my replacement order from MPC. They are good sized and vigorous this time! Now for names...Anyone mind sharing your SS names? I just read Paprika and I may have to use that for one of mine too. My youngest named her BO Cimnamon and we got a EE pullet named Nutmeg.
I'm a Speckled Sussex owner again! I got two in my replacement order from MPC. They are good sized and vigorous this time! Now for names...Anyone mind sharing your SS names? I just read Paprika and I may have to use that for one of mine too. My youngest named her BO Cimnamon and we got a EE pullet named Nutmeg.

Cute spicy names! And yay on new babies!
Im not sure if this is a problem but just today my friend noticed that my little runt of the flock who is a speckled susexx has a crooked toe. I am not sure if this is a big problem. Can someone help me?

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