The Sussex thread!

mine are not especially chatty but definitely not camera shy and all up in my business as promised by the chicken lady I got them from, lol.

lol!! Yes mine are the same way :p All up in our face especially if we don't pay attention to them. Although one of them wants nothing to do with us, but the other 3 want to know what's up ALL the time lol! They are all very vocal though, it's cute :D
Here are my Speckled Sussex, I will be selling eggs in the spring if anyone is interested.






So Great!!! This is an old thread but if you still have some light Sussex this fall, perhaps I can get an older pair or preferably a trio from you....could pick them up with birds of another breed that I can fully wrap my head around. I know the other person is improving her lines and I picked up some information that might strike me askew but so let's just carry on...I am supposed to ditch this BYC but can not for a while. I hope the important folks will continue to play this game with me...doing very well for now. None can have so so much as an inkling what's happening. Not in a bad way. Must use extreme caution here. I'm totally lost!!!
Could someone please assure me that this is indeed a pullet? She was purchased from a hatchery as a day-old sexed pullet and is 7 weeks old now. I have since had 2 chicks of other breeds from the same hatchery turn out to be cockerels. Now I'm getting a little paranoid any time I see any changes lol. Is this a pullet?




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What luck! :-/ she doesn't have any obvious boy signs at the moment so you're still in the pullet camp with her, I'd say. Mine is from Cackle Hatchery, at 13 weeks now. She's got a pretty big comb, thick legs, upright stance but absolutely is a girl, her girly voice came in at about 10 weeks and she sounds like an adult hen already. So hang in there! Speckled Sussex are hard to tell! Which hatchery, if you don't mind me asking?
lol!! Yes mine are the same way :p All up in our face especially if we don't pay attention to them. Although one of them wants nothing to do with us, but the other 3 want to know what's up ALL the time lol! They are all very vocal though, it's cute :D

I'm completely in love with mine and I WILL have more of them once I have room. They are just the most fun!
Could someone please assure me that this is indeed a pullet? She was purchased from a hatchery as a day-old sexed pullet and is 7 weeks old now. I have since had 2 chicks of other breeds from the same hatchery turn out to be cockerels. Now I'm getting a little paranoid any time I see any changes lol. Is this a pullet?





I say pullet as well :)
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I'm completely in love with mine and I WILL have more of them once I have room. They are just the most fun!

I agree! Definitely the most spunky and curious and friendly between my breeds. One buff is uber friendly, almost annoyingly so lol! Wellies...NOT friendly. Not mean but don't really want human interaction :( SLW's...just like the Wellies but worse. Would definitely get more speckleds :D
I agree! Definitely the most spunky and curious and friendly between my breeds. One buff is uber friendly, almost annoyingly so lol! Wellies...NOT friendly. Not mean but don't really want human interaction :( SLW's...just like the Wellies but worse. Would definitely get more speckleds :D

I have two GLW. One is friendly-ish and pretty smart, the other thinks I'm a big scary monster. The two salmon faverolles the same...terrified of me if I get too close. My two buffs are friendly and bossy but not terribly bright. The speckled sussex leave them in the dust, lol. Smart but not bossy. When they look at me it's like I can see the machinery ticking, lol.
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