The Svart Hona (Swedish Black Hen) Thread!

Okay, I would like to talk breedIng strategy with ya if that is possible.

I have a pair of young Swedish with some faults (toenails) and I am getting a pair of pure (as in all back) Swedish this March. I am thing of splitting the pair with putting young rooster with good hen and young hen with good rooster. From ther I would separate the good chicks from the bad quality ones (with both hatched marked on who came from who in pairings) and from there breed the good ones. I was thinking about next year if Lord willing order from a breeder in KY with the silkie gene in her flock to have fresh blood and a "third" line to add into the mix.
There are only two known lines of Svarts in the U.S.
Ewe Crazy and Greenfire. I believe the silkied gene originated in the GFF line.
As for your strategy of breeding, that sounds like a good plan. Do that for a while and then hatch just from your best pair only to compare the offspring.
Third line as in a subline someone been working on haha.

Probably will do that, I plan on using the culls for *prepares for backlash* crossing into silkies to breed for meat birds to sale to the local Asian market.

I hold no plans of selling any culls unless they are process ;)
Now, another question which bing has been 0 help for me..

What is their official show standard? I hath found nothing and Its getting irksome XD
I know pure black everything but what about weight? head shape, the tails? etc?
Now, another question which bing has been 0 help for me..

What is their official show standard? I hath found nothing and Its getting irksome XD
I know pure black everything but what about weight? head shape, the tails? etc?
Try this:öns/Bruksraser_höns/Lantraser#Bohusl.C3.A4n-Dals_Svarth.C3.B6na

This is the Google auto-translated info you are looking for:

Bohuslän-Dal Black Hen

They are to be taken in Bullarebygden but similar black chickens are famous even in neighboring parts of Norway. The characteristic trait allows black paint to spread out, not only on the springs, but also on the comb, wattles, beak, legs and skin - yes, even the flesh is dark colored. One could say that the black hen is among poultry breeds, what blue Congo are among potato varieties . Sometimes the color red through the comb and wattles that often gets a purple tone. Game or lighter color can appear in all tuppars neck and saddle. Occasional can be completely white. Woolly spring structure can occur. Although the name black hen suggests otherwise, it is question of a native breed that has some color variation.
Rooster Weight 1,5-2 kg, hönvikt 1-1.5 kg, äggvikt 45-50 g.
Thank you!

Curious what is the weight most americans are breeding for?

Most of my roosters are around 4.5-5lbs and my hens are 3-3.5lbs.

I gave a Svart Hona egg to a broody Bantam Black Orpington. The SH chick looks like some sort of crazy gangly crow compared to her. It was a good match though--that bantam orp is a tough as nails defending her chick, and she's fluffy enough for both of them.

that what my babies look like ATM

Sadly my poor girl got her tail broken by dad dog while she was out free ranging
poor baby, but her BF chased that dog into the house. They are now back in their pen until that dog is gone so I can safely let them out again.
So I've come to realize svart hona translates from Swedish to English as black hen.. A rather generic name don't you think I think we should come up with a new name possible
svart kött höna
fryst mörker

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