The Svart Hona (Swedish Black Hen) Thread!

Are the eggs usually very small? I received some hatching eggs last week and they are small, barely larger than guinea eggs. Is this typical? There is one in the group that it slightly larger but the rest are tiny. 
Yes, the batch I hatched, the eggs were small. The chicks hatch small too. Not as small as Bantams, but they are small. I also had one egg in my clutch that was larger and that was the one egg that didn't hatch. Good Luck with your hatch. :)
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Are the eggs usually very small? I received some hatching eggs last week and they are small, barely larger than guinea eggs. Is this typical? There is one in the group that it slightly larger but the rest are tiny.
Yes, the eggs are small. Mine are slightly larger than bantam eggs. Pound for pound, this bird lays sizable eggs compared to it's body. She's one of my faves!
Hey Everybody,

This is my first post here on BYC. But since folks are asking about Svart Hona eggs, here is a picture of some eggs I received today from Orchard Hill Poultry. Letting them sit 12 hours before incubating. They are indeed smaller than a standard large egg, but the size seems to vary considerably from egg to egg.
Hey Everybody, This is my first post here on BYC. But since folks are asking about Svart Hona eggs, here is a picture of some eggs I received today from Orchard Hill Poultry. Letting them sit 12 hours before incubating. They are indeed smaller than a standard large egg, but the size seems to vary considerably from egg to egg.
Good luck on your hatch! :fl
Hey Everybody,

This is my first post here on BYC. But since folks are asking about Svart Hona eggs, here is a picture of some eggs I received today from Orchard Hill Poultry. Letting them sit 12 hours before incubating. They are indeed smaller than a standard large egg, but the size seems to vary considerably from egg to egg.
how are your eggs developing?

Does anyone know what breed/breeds this chick might be? Haven't had any luck on other threads!
Are the eggs usually very small? I received some hatching eggs last week and they are small, barely larger than guinea eggs. Is this typical? There is one in the group that it slightly larger but the rest are tiny.
When my hens were young pullets they laid very small eggs. We hatched them anyways and they are in our fun project flock and doing quite well. My breeding trio is now about 15 or 16 months and the eggs are about 30-40% larger than they were when they first started laying. They are maybe a little smaller than my isbar eggs. So, maybe you just have pullet eggs.

Pullet? I know she has some white toenails, but she's what I have and currently not interested in buying a new set of eggs or chicks (getting a dozen Horstman barred rocks in the a.m.) so she'll be my starter hen and we'll see how it goes...

Assuming this is a cockerel from the comb variance from the other chick...

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