The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

I bought 3 Tetra Tints at my local TSC Monday. I'd never heard of the breed, but DH wanted brown layers. The pics I've seen in this forum thread look like white/yellow chickens. Mine have some red in them & they said they'd lay brown eggs. Are these true Tetras? This one is named WaiKiKi
I bought 3 Tetra Tints at my local TSC Monday. I'd never heard of the breed, but DH wanted brown layers. The pics I've seen in this forum thread look like white/yellow chickens. Mine have some red in them & they said they'd lay brown eggs. Are these true Tetras? This one is named WaiKiKi
That looks more like a red sex link or golden comet, the tetra tints I got are white. I got all all 3 types a tractor supply and that dosn't look like a tetra tint.

Thats one of my terta tints on the feeder when she was small and the lighter ones are tetra tint, the darker one with stripes is either the red sex link or golden comet.
Thanks so much. I didn't care what breed, really, just layers is all I wanted. I might call up there & ask what other kind they had besides the Tetras
Edited to say: I called up there & talked to the lady that helped me. She actually knows a lot about chickens. She said they could be Comets, but since they were left from the weekend they're Tetras. Guess we'll see as they get bigger.
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Thanks so much. I didn't care what breed, really, just layers is all I wanted. I might call up there & ask what other kind they had besides the Tetras
Edited to say: I called up there & talked to the lady that helped me. She actually knows a lot about chickens. She said they could be Comets, but since they were left from the weekend they're Tetras. Guess we'll see as they get bigger.
Alrighty and no problem. The tractor supply I go to, sometimes when they have "leftovers" they put them all in one tub and can be mixed around. That deferentially looks like one of my comets or sex links. But on that note, I have read that both are very good and lay brown eggs. All of mine are to young to lay but I have had very good responses on them, tetra tints lay tinted white eggs. Keep me posted if you can, I'm new to chickens so I would love to know/here about them :)
I bought 3 Tetra Tints at my local TSC Monday. I'd never heard of the breed, but DH wanted brown layers. The pics I've seen in this forum thread look like white/yellow chickens. Mine have some red in them & they said they'd lay brown eggs. Are these true Tetras? This one is named WaiKiKi

Thats a red sex link/golden comet basically the two names represent the same breed. I don't know why
. However I am sure you notice the chipmunk stripes on that one, because I can see them. I purchased a few red sex links from tts and supposedly "golden comets" that to me are tetra tints (all yellow chicks that are turning white). As for yours, thats a pullet and they are sexed by color hence the name red sex link.
I have a questions for those of you who know about Tetra Tints. I have one pullet that started out yellow. She is 6 weeks old now and looks white. However, compared to my white plymouth pullet (who is truly white), the other chick has a definite yellow tint to her feathers. I'll try to post some photos of her if I can get them. She does look white in pictures, but in person she is an "off" color. She had a little yellow single comb and bright yellow legs and a short tail (compared to the others). Is her coloring typical of a Tetra Tint? We were told she's a white leghorn, but I have serious doubts about that.
It sounds like my tetra tints. However, I am a new chicken owner and my chicks are only 4 weeks old. Here are pictures, they were about 3 weeks old.
Here is a pic of my chick. There are two "white" ones. You can see the one of the right is more of a yellow color than pure white. (The white chick on the left is supposed to be a White Plymouth rock). Does the one on the right look like a Tetra Tint? I've never seen a "yellow" chicken before. They'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow.

I think mine look whiter than that. Mine still have a bit of yellow fluff left on their heads but the rest of their body looks white. It is hard to tell if mine look whiter than yours without seeing them together in the same lighting. If I had to give an answer, though, it would be that mine our whiter. It may still be a Teta Tint though, they are a cross between a White Leg Horn and a Road Island Red so maybe some of them come out with slightly different coloring.

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