The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤


We bought 6 pullets from TSC 4 of them are RSL for sure and I'm thinking the other two are white rocks or tetra tints can anyone help ? Here is one of the white ones at 3 weeks I will also post a younger pic of her
I am a first time hen keeper and 4 weeks ago I purchased 3 "Tetra Tints". I did not know anything about breeds and had no idea about hybrid varieties. I would just like to know what breeds were combined to create a tetra tint. I also purchased two "Dixie Rainbows" - and apparently they are a hybrid too. If anyone knows anything about either of these relatively new hybrids I'd like to know. They are very cute and I've started letting them go out into the yard to scratch and run around, but at night - and when I can't keep my eye on them, they stay in their box in the kitchen. I am really excited about having them and we are working on a coop so it will be ready in a few weeks when they can move in.
Mary Ann
Tetra Tints

A light weight bird which is mostly white with at times some brown or even black highlights. The Tretra Tint is a cross between a Rhode Island Red male and a White leghorn female, producing cream colored or "tinted" eggs. She is an excellent producer and adapts well to backyards environments. Healthy Hatcheries is the only mail order hatchery in the U.S. to order this variety.
Here is a pic of my chick. There are two "white" ones. You can see the one of the right is more of a yellow color than pure white. (The white chick on the left is supposed to be a White Plymouth rock). Does the one on the right look like a Tetra Tint? I've never seen a "yellow" chicken before. They'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow.

by the time my Tetra tints (Lady Mary, Edith and Daisy) were 5 weeks old, their downy yellow was almost fully replaced with white feathers, so I'm not sure what you have there - time will tell.
I am a newby, so I can not say with any kind of authority, but it looks just like my "Daisy" - I'd say its a tetra tint...

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