The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

DON'T BUY these chickens!! I've been raising chickens off and on my whole life I have NEVER seen a variety so violent and flighty in my life. We got 44 of them Easter weekend. All they want to do is eat. Almost as bad as cornish crosses. They will stampede the feeder and crawl all over each other to get at it even with plenty of feeder space for all. After the ones we got were about a month old, their behavior at the feeder has caused feathers to be pulled out of the base of the tails. If one starts to bleed just a little at this area, in less than 30 minutes that chicken is dead and its inards eaten out. They are the pitbulls of the chicken world. Even with our best efforts as of today there are 20 of the original 44 left. To make matters worse, we had 6 americanas that were a week older than these in with them. No problems until today. At the 9 am feeding, everything was fine. At the 4 pm feeding, three americanas were dead and half eaten, a fourth was alive but had the meat eaten off its back to the backbone (there were four of these piranas eating on it when I walked up), and the other two had feathers missing. If I'd been half an hour later they would have killed them all. If I would have had access to my .410 shotgun, we wouldn't have any more tetra tints. Those americanas were my 12-year-old's pets!
OMG thats horrible. I don't know what kind of chicken they sold you, it doesn't sound like a tetra. Could you post some pics. One of my pullets went broody at 20 wks and hatched out 4 of 4 and was an excellent mother. Sorry for your loss.
Yeah, I'm glad I only bought 6. Mine seem to be direct throwbacks to velociraptors from Jurassic Park. Thank goodness their the minority and the others keep them in line. Cannibalism does get out of hand occasionally. I cull all offenders and start over. Especially if you've bought them for egg production (which is their purpose in this instance). As soon as one of them accidentally breaks an egg and gets a taste you're going to have 20 egg eaters on your hands.

I'd say start all over. You can probably find started ameraucana/Easter egger chicks on your local craigslist.
I know a fella that has 60 of them and he has no problem with them.
How big is you pen and run?

I know a fella that has 60 of them and he has no problem with them.
How big is you pen and run?


16 x 18.

I'll try to get pics tomorrow or Tuesday.

Now how much of that is housing and how much of that is run?
The "standard" is 4 square feet indoor and 10 square feet of run for each bird.
That would mean that your housing should be 90 Sq. Ft. and you run should be 500 Sq. Ft. or a 10 x 9 house and a 10 x 50 run.

Who's standards are those? Holy cow man, no chicken needs 10 SF. The run is a completely covered 16' x 18' fenced area with an attached 8' x 8' "hen house". This ain't my first rodeo.
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You had 44 birds crammed in a 16x18? And an 8x8 coop. But since this isn't your first rodeo and you obviously know what you're doing, it MUST be the fault of the birds. Right? No wonder they are cannibalistic.
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Any person that any experience with poultry will tell you that you are cramming those bird in a undersized pen.
But who am I to say I've only Raised and Breed chickens for 30 + years now and been showing then for the past 15 but, I would bet that there will be more people that will agree that you birds are over cramped in a undersized pen than you will find agree with you!

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