The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

I thought I may have had tetra tints that came from TSC...but I was told that they are white leghorns...but looking at this thread I am not so sure....I know tetras have leghorn in them...mine lay daily..large pure white eggs...and the large floppy comb!


Hi all,

I started out with eight Tetra Tints and Three Bantam Silkies. One Tetra died a couple days after I got them.

Raccoons killed four tetra's and the three silkies
I have three Tetra's left and I have replenished the missing ones with ten Rhode island reds and what was supposed to be three Easter Egger chickens. The Tetra's were all supposed to be pullet's and the RIR's and EE's were unsexed.

The three Tetra Tint's I got back in May and the others I got in June or July as chicks. For the past five days one of the Tetra Tints has layed an egg every day (SO HAPPY). This Tetra Tint has a nice red Comb and ear lobes. One of the other tetra tints has a lighter color comb about the same size, and the other tetra tint has almost no comb at all. Just wondering why they all seem to be at different stage

Also, the RIR's: They were all purchased at the same time. Some of them are MUCH bigger than others. There are a couple Roo's (I gave one to a cousin) but there are some other Roo's left. I can't tell if some of them are Roo's or hens yet...

The EE's: All three look similar, but one is TINY! Looks like it is half EE and half Bantam of some kind?



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this is the 1st time ive heard of tetra tints are they breedable, infertile, or you dont know what kind of chicken will hatch from the egg
It has been a while since I've put up an update. My TetraTint Tetra is an egg laying machine, since she started laying she has only missed two or three days and always gives me a large to jumbo size light brown egg that is almost perfectly round in shape. She is now my alpha hen in the flock and not afraid of anyone or anything. I just love this breed/mix. She is not fond of being handled but comes right up to me for treats. So here is my big beautiful girl Tetra
Tetra Tint 3rd generation. The second generation were all white or white with the few black spots with gold on the neck that got darker as they get older. I breed these hens back to a buff orp roo and the results I got were unusual. I have no idea where these colors came from or even what you call them. I even had one come out very dk grey almost black but it was in a batch that I sold so I don't know how it turned out. The norm seemed to be a buff chick that feathered out white flight feathers and tail, with buff on the neck and upper wings the males being a darker redish buff. The chicks are 2 wks old.

This is one of the stranger colors.

The one in the middle is the same as the one above. The other two are the typical colors

The grey and white in the middle.

Back shot of the chick above.

Side shot showing face, notice the redish fuzz.

I only have one rooster.
I have enjoyed reading this thread.

My granddaughter has a Tertra Tint and 3 Golden Comets from Tractor Supply.

My daughter says the TT has the most personality of all the chickens.

It flys out of the run, chases the cats off the back porch, gets on top of their garage and sings, and follows them around like a dog in the yard.

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