The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

No.. lol Well, I don't know. But I do know what having a black spot doesn't mean they are male.
I bought one with black spots, and they are growing into black feathers. So, nope, not artificial! lol

I don't think they get males in of the Tetra Tint breed, that i've seen.

Hey just noticed your from Southwest VA =) hello neighbor
Just picked up the last 10 Tetra Tints at Southern States. Hoping to get my friend started raising chickens; figured this young breed would peak his interest, as they did mine. I'll probably keep 2 and send the rest on to him. Very cute chicks.
Here is my Australian Shepherd Neko with his brood of Tetra Tints. I really think he believes he is a mama hen. He started protecting them from the minute I brought them home. He will not let any of my cats or older chickens get close to them.
Why would you run?... just kidding, about 8 weeks old they can go outside on good days. I have a doggie door and open it on good days and just make sure they all get back in. At 3 months they all get access to the outdoors.

how old do they have to be before I can put them in the coop and run?
ok mine are at almost 6 weeks and I was told my Wyandottes can do out at 6 weeks. All of them are still in my basement in a big dog cage now. I want to put all of them out at the same time. That way they don't fight a week or so later. All of them are getting big lol
The main thing about putting them out is you do not want it too cold. If you put them out make sure they know how to get back in and give them a heat source to warm up under if they need it. At that young of an age fighting will be brief.
I know that they are part "white leghorns" but looks like a Roo to me well all of the white leghorns look like Roos to me LOL
please tell me I am wrong


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